Penticton Herald

Election: Help choose best path


Dear editor: Very often in our lives we focus on a special day or a special occasion. This starts at an early age and continues through life. Today, however, I am not referring to Xmas, Easter, graduation, marriage or such. Instead, I am referring to a day that should be special given the fact that it was a difficult one to come by.

Over the last 100 years as most of us know, there were struggles to protect a way of life that would guarantee us a privilege to live in a country that is free and a country that allows us, for the most part, to decide our own destiny. Yes, once again, I refer to voting day. Seven weeks from now, we will have the opportunit­y to decide what path our destiny may take. What way the path goes depends on us — all of us, but does it? Think of the times that you voted and the times that you could have voted but didn’t. It should not come down to numbers, but instead privileges that may have been taken for granted yet still not exercised.

Having said that ask yourself some questions such as: What direction do I want the city to go? Have I been satisfied with what is? Have my elected officials done due diligence this term?

Are there things that I would like to see happen here in future?

Am I making myself aware of issues that need attention? Can I vote with an understand­ing and clear conscience?

These are but a few questions that you should ask yourself before Oct 20. If you have the slightest doubt as to answers to these few questions, you have some work to do. No longer should we face voter turnouts where the minority of voters decides what the majority will live with. Thanks to thousands who sacrificed, you have this privilege —use it!

Don’t leave it for somebody else to do it because you may not want to or forget to or for whatever reason. Keep in mind that over the past voter turnout has not been where it should be percentage-wise. Ever wonder why?

Penticton is your city. You should want to be counted as a concerned voter when Oct. 20 comes along. Only you can make a difference and affect change of direction that may be needed for our city. Mark voting day on your calendar and vote! Ron Barillaro


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