Penticton Herald

New faces could bring new ideas


Dear editor: Look back over the last few elections. Ask yourself “what remarkable changes have taken place that our city has really benefitted from?” Can’t think of many? Neither can I.

True there have been a few changes of note. However, these changes would seem to be, at best, superficia­l. Our city has not grown much population-wise. Our city has been noted as a retirement community with a predominat­ely seniors population.

Where are the young families? How do we attract young families? What do we have for them? These are questions that need to be addressed so as to prevent total growth stagnation. Up to now there has been a great deal of talk on these issues however, not much action.

It is long past the time for change. By change, I’m referring to meaningful change and not change for change’s sake. In order for change to be effective there must be an end goal in mind to ensure progress.

With the upcoming election, there are some new faces to consider along with some incumbents. New faces very often bring new ideas. Maybe it’s time that we look at some of these new faces that might very well bring about some needed and useful changes that previous councils failed to address.

All said and done there is, however, a caveat here. In voting one must do the political homework before voting. Do your own investigat­ion into all candidates. Get a feel for what direction they see the city going. Formulate your own opinion. Don’t fall victim to the opinions of others. This includes close personal friends and relatives. Objectivit­y is the key here. Vote with your conscience and not your heart.

In the end, after weighing things out and formulatin­g your own voting opinion, exercise your democratic right and privilege by getting out to vote. Encourage others to do the same!

Ron Barillaro Penticton

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