Penticton Herald

We love Canada!


With the COVID-19 pandemic and cold and rainy weather, today doesn’t really feel like Canada Day.

Without trivializi­ng the efforts of everyone who has worked hard to put together a viral Canada Day — from an online event in Penticton to the nation’s capital in Ottawa — it’s not the same.

In Penticton, for example, we looked forward to going to

Gyro Park, enjoying free live music and getting a piece of cake served by our MP, mayor and MLA. It was no different from other downtown events ... but it was Canada Day. People were dressed in red. Everybody was happy, in a good mood and proud to be Canadian.

The late Laurel Burnham never received the recognitio­n she deserved for helping build Penticton’s Canada Day to what it became. Ditto for the Penticton Lakeside Resort, which for many years sponsored fireworks in the community.

Also absent this year is the Osoyoos Cherry Fiesta, a full day of special events, starting with a parade and ending with a phenomenal fireworks display.

But, both those events will be back in 2021 and, as we get older, July 1 will be here again before you know it.

With Canada Day limited to an online celebratio­n doesn’t mean we can’t still go nuts today for Canada Day.

Program your favourite music service to Canadian songs. Weather permitting, go out on your patio and blast Neil Young, Avril Lavigne, The Tragically Hip, Bryan Adams or Drake so the neighbour across the street can hear it. Wear red.

Pick up a book by a Canadian author and check your streaming services to discover a film that was made in Canada.

Cook something that’s uniquely Canadian for dinner tonight. Have back bacon with your toast and eggs this morning.

Talk with your kids about what region of Canada they would like to visit on your next family vacation.

Avoid saying, “Thank God, we’re not American.”

Phone a senior or shut-in who wouldn’t be able to get out on July 1, even if there wasn’t a pandemic.

Appreciate our cops today the way we did on April 19 when a Mountie lost her life in the line of duty at the hands of an angry gunman in Nova Scotia.

Thank a Canadian veteran. We’re a great nation with great people, natural beauty and great resources.

Instead of pointing out what’s bad about Canada, let’s focus on what’s good — on Canada Day and beyond.

—James Miller Managing Editor

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