Penticton Herald

Go with the flow if plans must change

- HEATHER ZAIS Celestial Prophecies Heather Zais is an Ok ana gan resident and astrologer. Her column appears each Saturday. Email:

OVERVIEW: Additional informatio­n puts a spin on plans. A change of direction will still work out as there won’t be much back tracking to recover from.

Some will see their dreams developing along a different path. Relax and be mellow as they unfold.

Put closure to areas that need it; no use flogging a dead horse.

Communicat­ion helps in the reorganiza­tion process.

Those in positions of authority should have final say to get things moving in the right direction.

It takes a little longer for some to adjust as their egos are still a driving force on what they want.

Cool your jets in a natural setting. Holidays can be business and pleasure combined.

ARIES: Applying pressure to get support could backfire. Have control of financial back-up.

TAURUS: Don’t snap at those you may need in your corner later. If you do, bring them a treat.

GEMINI: Be prepared for some rug pulling by those who think they have power, but they don’t.

CANCER: A shake up with associates shows you need to pick your battles carefully with proof.

LEO: Handle important matters over long distance. Negotiate terms to your advantage if able.

VIRGO: Surprise communicat­ions help turn the tide in your situation. Navigate around details.

LIBRA: Stay in your own corner or separate locations until matters can be sorted out for all.

SCORPIO: You may have to be a bit more dramatic for effect when you take over the control.

SAGITTARIU­S: Matters that go on in private will need careful handling with all involved now.

CAPRICORN: Put extra effort into what you are trying to achieve and it will show in results.

AQUARIUS: Deal with control issues behind the scenes. Be very clear on where you stand.

PISCES: A surprise meeting or connection could ruffle feathers of those close to you now.

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