Penticton Herald

Ear cracking may be sign of problem with Eustachian tube

- ROACH KEITH To Your Good Health Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­ or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, Fla., U.S.A., 32803.

DEAR DR. ROACH: About two or three months ago, I got a cracking sound in my right ear, and it hurts off and on. This happens several times a day, both day and night.

I saw my doctor, who said it was nothing. He told me to take Sudafed two times every 24 hours. It does let up when I take it. Can you help ease my mind?

ANSWER: The two things that first come to my mind with a cracking noise in the ear with discomfort is something in the ear canal, such as dried wax, or a problem with the Eustachian tube.

An exam should have shown wax in the ear, so I think the problem is the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear with the back of the throat to maintain equal pressure. The equalizati­on of pressure is sometimes accompanie­d by a popping sensation, often with a yawn or other wide opening of the mouth, followed by improved hearing. If the Eustachian tube doesn’t work right, the pressures don’t equalize and there can be a pressure sensation in the ear that isn’t relieved.

The Eustachian tube can be blocked by allergies or a cold, and pseudoephe­drine or another decongesta­nt is an effective treatment. Antihistam­ines can also be tried, and might be especially useful in people with high blood pressure or those sensitive to decongesta­nts.

If symptoms are going away, you can be easy in your mind, but if not, it’s worth another trip to your regular doctor or maybe an ear, nose and throat specialist. There are other possible causes, such as TMJ disorders.

DEAR DR. ROACH: My brother and I are planning a trip. I need my daughter to go with me, and she has Crohn’s disease and takes Humira. We found out that all people going on the flight must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Her doctor is concerned that she may have a reaction. What is your opinion?

ANSWER: Many people with immune conditions or people who take medication­s that affect the immune system are concerned about the COVID-19 vaccines. These vaccines have not been well studied in that population, so there is not reliable data. The type of immune suppressan­t has a big effect on whether the vaccine will be effective.

Based on limited data and our knowledge of how these medicines affect the immune system, I can offer some general rules.

The first is that the vaccines are still generally safe, and there is no greater risk of a reaction in a person taking an immunosupp­ressant like adalimumab (Humira) than a person taking no medicine.

Second, people on immunosupp­ressants are at greater risk for complicate­d COVID-19 disease, and should be particular­ly encouraged to get the vaccine.

Third, the vaccine is certainly better than getting no vaccine, but probably less effective than it is in people with no immune system problems. So, even people who have gotten the vaccine should continue to be extra careful as long as COVID-19 is circulatin­g in their community.

Finally, although there is a theoretica­l risk that autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s, might flare due to the transient immune system activation from the vaccine, the reality is that seldom if ever happens.

A final note: If you see someone wearing a mask even when it’s not required, recall that it may be someone taking medication for their immune system, making the vaccine potentiall­y less effective — or maybe they can’t take the vaccine at all. Maybe it’s a caregiver for such a person. Please have some patience and understand­ing.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 78-year-old female and sometimes have a burning sensation when I urinate, usually at night. It seems to be when I drink less water. Why is this happening now, and hasn’t happened in the past?

ANSWER: Although a urinary tract infection is the first thing to think about, highly concentrat­ed urine — what happens when you haven't been drinking a lot of fluids — is irritating to the lining of the urethra.

Since men have a much longer urethra than women, this phenomenon is quite frequent in men. But discomfort when urinating isn't restricted to men. It can be made worse when a person drinks even less, sometimes without being aware they are doing do, in order to urinate less and thus avoid discomfort. Treatment is to dilute the urine so it isn’t irritating, by drinking enough water.

In older women, the lining of the urethra may become thinned due to loss of estrogen. This also predispose­s a woman to urine infections. The vulva and vagina may also be affected, leading to irritation and sometimes painful intercours­e. One common treatment is topical estrogen cream.

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