Penticton Herald

Resources wasted in the name of freedom



Re: “Surgeries cancelled as nurses ring alarm,” (Herald, Aug. 14).

This was front page news and I just wanted to cry and scream, but not in the way one would think. It’s because of how the innocent are being treated by everyday people.

Potential life-saving surgeries are being cancelled because of the “I don’t care about anyone or what health officials say, I’m living my life like I always did before COVID” group.

These surgeries could be monumental in changing lives, even saving lives, but what is Interior Health and the B.C. government forced to do instead? Cancel all surgeries and waste tax dollars and medical personnel on people who think this is nothing more than a stupid game while people who are possibly in dire need of surgery may wind up passing away because of them.

MSP should deny all forms of medical assistance to anyone of any age if they are not going to follow any of the mandates put out by Drs. Bonnie Henry and Theresa Tam, as well as the FDA, CDC and WHO.

Resources that should be going to people who need it are being used up by these people because they want their freedom. Those thousands of dollars should be paid in full by all the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers should they want health care to take care of them.

If I am seemingly showing no empathy towards the sick, believe me, I am, but only to those who truly deserve it and my respect.

To the innocent who are sick with COVID in hospital: I pray that you have a full recovery filled with as much love and positive energy as possible.

To those of you who are currently in hospital who are rebels against the global health care community: if you get better, I hope to God you pay for your time in hospital and using invaluable resources by leaving the anti-maskers/vaxxers/I don’t care groups and be spokespeop­le against the anti-maskers/ vaxxers/I don’t care groups.

Hundreds of people in hospital constantly isn’t normal, wearing masks is not normal. The global health care community wants to go back to normal and so do I and millions of people. Do you?

Greta Fader, Kelowna

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