Penticton Herald

This column is dedicated to my dog

- Miller Time! James Miller is managing editor of The Penticton Herald.

It was brought to my attention that today is National Dog Day.

I never knew Aug. 26 was so special, nor was I aware there is a National Get-Over-It Day, National Ferris Wheel Day, National Crayon Day or a National Taco Day (I love Puttin’ on the Ritz). I had heard of Day of the Dolphin. I don’t think that’s related.

So, in recognitio­n of our dog day of summer, I dedicate today’s column to my best fourlegged friend, Milo. He doesn’t read newspapers, but he has peed on them.

Milo is now a geriatric dog but, at age 15-and-a-half, he’s hanging in there. We love him more than ever. He’s lost his hearing and moves slowly, but can still shuffle around. He has, however, never lost his appetite. When that day comes, I’ll worry.

My greatest fear is a medical emergency after hours. Living in Penticton that means a stressful one-hour drive to Kelowna with a sick dog.

I’m fortunate. Where I work, our office is dog friendly. He’s led an incredibly a charmed life – a full-time babysitter, birthday parties and a part-time job over at the Dragon’s Den on Front Street. He’s seldom alone but, when he is, I hear about it.

Regular readers may recall he’s a long-haired dachshund. Next to his hooman (that’s not a typo), he prefers women to men. He’s good with female dogs. Males, not so much.

He doesn’t particular­ly like kids, probably because he’s never been around them much. And Milo’s perfect world definitely doesn’t include cats.

We bought him on pure impulse. My wife’s co-worker bought his sister. He was the only male in a litter of three and surprising­ly, he was the last to go.

The image that sticks out in my mind most was walking him along a beach when he was still a puppy. I didn’t put him on a leash (don’t tell bylaw) because I could catch him. Milo walked a few strides behind me… reminiscen­t of the opening credits of The Courtship of Eddie’s Father. I kept humming, “People let me tell you ‘bout my best friend…”

So, for his special day I think we’ll stay home today and watch reruns of his favourite TV show, Lassie (I don’t think Old Yeller is a good idea) and visit his favourite spot — the beautiful, cold green grass at Marina Way Park.

Happy Dog Day everybody!

————— Some unrelated thoughts…

• Who says there’s never any good news? Kelowna Actors Studio will be presenting “Xanadu” in October. Take me to heaven!

• Why in contract language do they use the words “excluded staff” for managers? As a society, we are striving for inclusion.

• Norah Bowman announced on social media that she’s not seeking re-election as a school board trustee in Central Okanagan. She has endorsed three candidates including one newcomer.

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