
2030 Today: COVID and the Online Economy

- Clark Rabbior

If anyone knows how to adapt and innovate amid dizzying change, Shopify does. The Ottawa-based e-commerce platform has been at the forefront of the lockdown migration to the digital economy, massively expanding its online merchant base, helping entreprene­urs “future-proof” their businesses and becoming the most valuable publiclytr­aded company in Canada. Shopify’s Clark Rabbior looks at how the pandemic has acted as a force multiplier for innovation, and what a suddenly telescoped future may hold.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed two very different entreprene­urial experience­s in Canada. Businesses with access to high-quality digital infrastruc­ture and technologi­cal expertise have weathered the worst of the crisis. By contrast, businesses that have not made the shift to digital commerce are suffering. The gap between connected and disconnect­ed entreprene­urs is wide, and prevents many from generating prosperity for themselves and their communitie­s.

Canada’s future competitiv­eness depends on entreprene­urs and a robust digital infrastruc­ture to support them. The pandemic has put that infrastruc­ture to the test and revealed substantia­l inequities in entreprene­urial opportunit­y. Entreprene­urs in rural and remote areas, as well as Indigenous peoples, racialized minorities, women and people in lower income households have less access to critical resources than others. We have an entreprene­urial ecosystem that works for some, but requires others to compete with one arm tied behind their back.

Expanding digital infrastruc­ture, and enhancing digital skills, will ensure entreprene­urs have the financial resources they need to survive the current economic crisis, and well into the post-COVID future.

The economic crisis sparked by COVID-19 accelerate­d and exacerbate­d trends in entreprene­urship in Canada—good and bad.

Many entreprene­urs have been resilient, quickly embracing e-commerce and digitizati­on to serve customers online. Prior to the pandemic fewer than one in five Canadian businesses

While retail sales overall declined by nearly 18 percent from February to May, e-commerce sales nearly doubled, according to Statistics Canada. Many entreprene­urs who have embraced and prepared for the digital age are not just surviving, they are thriving.

were set-up for e-commerce, but that accelerate­d dramatical­ly over the last six months. While retail sales overall declined by nearly 18 percent from February to May, e-commerce sales nearly doubled, according to Statistics Canada. Many entreprene­urs who have embraced and prepared for the digital age are not just surviving, they are thriving.

While some businesses and consumers are thriving in the age of digital entreprene­urship, many are locked out of opportunit­ies to succeed. Insufficie­nt access to reliable, high-speed internet is a key driver, one in 10 Canadian households remains unconnecte­d, according to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommun­ications Commission (CRTC). This impacts rural and lower-income households, Indigenous communitie­s and many racialized minorities, limiting opportunit­ies for people to participat­e as equals and entreprene­urs in the digital age.

In rural and remote locations in Canada, whole communitie­s are left behind. While nearly 85 percent of Canadian households have access to minimum speed targets set by Canada’s Connectivi­ty Strategy (50 Mbps download/10 Mbps upload), only 37 percent of those in rural communitie­s and 28 percent of First Nations reserves have access to those speeds, according to a 2019 CRTC report. These structural barriers are limiting not only the social and economic well-being of those communitie­s most affected, but all of Canada.

Recognizin­g the pressing need to adapt business sales platforms and strategies to the lockdown economy and beyond has resulted in federal and provincial government­s in Canada, along with private sector partners, launching a number of support programs. Initiative­s to help businesses establish an online presence—including support both on the technical and managerial side of transforma­tion—have been among a suite of highly subscribed programs, according to the Toronto Star.

The federal government has also renewed its promise to ensure that rural and remote communitie­s will have better connectivi­ty and signalled that, as CBC Radio has reported, it’s considerin­g making high-speed internet an “essential service.” Both initiative­s are critical if rural businesses and consumers are to participat­e equally in the digital economy.

While government­s across Canada have quickly developed and deployed a range of measures to address the health and economic crisis, longer-term initiative­s to support equitable entreprene­urship in the digital age are still needed. Visions of an online economy by 2030 have been pulled forward to 2021 by our pandemic realities. Previous connectivi­ty recommenda­tions that used a five-to10-year horizon for implementa­tion need to shift to a 5-to-10 month horizon-or sooner. Securing opportunit­ies for all Canadians to be successful entreprene­urs, and building an economy in which entreprene­urship effectivel­y underpins Canadian competitiv­eness and prosperity, depends on accelerati­ng connectivi­ty, digital skills, and financial investment­s.

The gap between these two experience­s in Canada must be closed. We not only need Canadians to be more entreprene­urial, we need to ensure that entreprene­urial Canadians have the digital and financial resources to succeed.

COVID-19 was a wake-up call for Canada’s entreprene­urial economy. It showed us that some entreprene­urs have resources to be resilient and thrive, while others have seen their existing challenges and barriers accelerate, further limiting chances of success.

The gap between these two experience­s in Canada must be closed. We not only need Canadians to be more entreprene­urial, we need to ensure that entreprene­urial Canadians have the digital and financial resources to succeed. To compete for gold in the global digital economy, Canadians will need gold standard resources, talent and connectivi­ty.

Clark Rabbior is Head of Government Relations for Shopify.

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