Prairie Post (East Edition)

“Dear Santa: This year, I wish no one would drive impaired” A wishlist for a holiday season free of impaired driving


With the holiday season upon us, December’s Traffic Safety Spotlight is focused on impaired driving. SGI asked some of our friends what they are asking Santa for.

“Dear Santa: This year, I wish no one would drive impaired. And if they’re planning to consume alcohol or drugs, I hope they also plan for a safe ride home.” – Penny McCune, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund.

“Dear Santa: I wish every vehicle we pull over at our checkstops has a sober driver behind the wheel, so we can wish them ‘ Happy Holidays’ and send them on their way.” – Cpl. Andree Sieber, Regina Police Service.

“Dear Santa: This year I hope that people will remember that impaired driving charges come with vehicle impoundmen­ts, licence suspension­s, and there are stiff fines and possible jail time upon conviction.”- Community Safety Officer Lisa Robertson, Weyburn Police Service.

“Dear Santa: This year, I wish friends don’t let their friends drive after having a few of those boozy eggnogs.” – Cst. Harlovepre­et Gahrha, Prince Albert Police Service.

“Dear Santa: This year, I hope that someone decides to be a good wingman and prevents an impaired friend from driving off, even if that friend insists they’re only driving a short distance.” – Cst. Jarren Senchuk, Estevan Police Service

“Dear Santa: This year, I hope people call a designated driving service, or a rideshare, or a taxi, or a sober friend to bring them home safely.” – Cst. Kris Kluz, Saskatoon Police

"Dear Santa: This year, I hope people remember that there is zero tolerance for drug-impaired driving. If that Christmas baking contains cannabis, don’t drive after eating it.” – Cst. Harmandeep Singh, Moose Jaw Police Service.

“Dear Santa: This year, we hope there are no serious collisions that we need to respond to, so we can leave the flying to you and the reindeer.” – Raegan Gardner, STARS Nurse and Clinical Educator.

“Dear Santa: I hope this holiday season, I don’t have to operate on you or your loved ones because of a drunk driver, or drunk driving. Happy holidays, and happy New Year.” –Dr. Jagadish Rao, trauma surgeon. “Dear Santa: This year, I hope I won’t have to knock on a family’s door to tell them that someone they love was killed because of impaired driving.” – Cpl. Marsha Shaw, RCMP.

“Dear Santa: This year, I wish that no more names get added to our memorial wall.” – Heather Tatham, MADD Regina, whose husband was killed by an impaired driver.

From all of us, please have a very happy – and safe – holiday season. Take care out there. #DriveSober

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