Regina Leader-Post

Tories plan ‘stay-the-course’ budget


Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is preparing to unveil a “stay-the-course” budget in March that will be far smaller and, the government hopes, less controvers­ial than last year’s sprawling magnum opus, with a focus on innovation and training, but no major new spending or cuts, nor any change in the Finance Department’s current timetable for achieving a balanced budget.

The 2013 budget will, however, likely contain some modest cost-neutral measures intended to bolster aboriginal economic developmen­t, according to government insiders, including enabling greater access to private property on reserves, for bands that welcome such reforms, as proposed by First Nations Tax Commission head Manny Jules. This would ignite further opposition among some within the Idle No More movement, who deem private-property rights tantamount to assimilati­on.

However, many Conservati­ves believe property reform on reserves is long overdue, as a matter of human rights as much as economics. Such reforms would be in keeping with the government’s emerging aboriginal strategy — that is, to engage on a case-bycase basis with those among the country’s 600-plus bands that express a clear desire to pursue economic growth. Skills-training measures in the budget, flowing from the Harper government’s stated concern about a looming labour-market crisis, are expected to focus on four specific groups: aboriginal­s, older workers, new immigrants and the disabled. There will be modest new investment in innovation, knowledge, science and technology.

As work proceeds on this budget, Flaherty revealed this week that he has been battling a rare skin disorder. However, his office has said it hasn’t affected his ability to do his job. On the overarchin­g question of balancing the books, the government intends to tread carefully, insiders say: It will reiterate its desire to eliminate the federal deficit by 2015, while making it clear that factors beyond its control — in particular distressed economies in Europe and the United States — could derail that plan. Expectatio­ns are for modest economic growth this year of about two per cent, or slightly below that, down from 2.2 per cent or slightly higher.

Though there is no plan to impose major new spending cuts, officials are re-examining some proposed spending reductions that were considered but not implemente­d last year, with a view to finding additional incrementa­l savings. There continues to be a vocal wing in the Conservati­ve caucus pressing for faster and deeper reductions. Last year these hawks were overruled, with an initially expected $8 billion in cuts reduced to just over $5 billion on budget day.

From all this, the Harper government’s strategy for re-election in 2015 begins to emerge. It is not, on the face of it, a bad strategy.

Last year at this time the prime minister was just off his trip to Davos, Switzerlan­d, where he’d made headlines with pronouncem­ents about dramatic changes in the offing, most notably the hike in the age of eligibilit­y for OAS. Insiders set the stage for a “transforma­tional” budget that would, above all else, streamline the relationsh­ip between government and the economy. The linchpin was to be a more efficient process for securing approvals for resource-developmen­t projects.

In Budget 2012, Flaherty delivered in some respects on the promise of change, but at heavy political cost: The Conservati­ves rammed great tracts of legislativ­e reform that was not remotely budgetary into the first of two omnibus budget bills. In doing so they effectivel­y circumvent­ed the democratic process, denying MPs the opportunit­y to debate the various pieces of legislatio­n. They were soundly hammered for this by the opposition and in the media.

Come the fall, the second budget bill was broken up somewhat at the opposition’s request. This was an early signal that the government’s political radar system — exhaustive internal polls — had registered a measure of popular discontent over its tactics, and that it was resolving to play nice, or at least nicer, in hopes of shoring up its democratic credential­s. But then along came the F-35 debacle, just before Christmas, and sent that effort to the ditch.

The 2013 budget plan indicates, among other things, an understand­ing that Canadians have had their fill of transforma­tion for now, and that a time of quieter consolidat­ion is in order.

The Conservati­ves will continue to work the economy into every speech, because their data indicate that is what Canadians want to hear. But they will try to do so in a way intended not to raise so many hackles, with a view to the election campaign now two years and a bit away. This is in keeping with the prime minister’s recent onset of the warm and fuzzies, as demonstrat­ed by his “day in the life” turn on Twitter. Harper remains the government’s best communicat­or, by far: Expect him front and centre regularly this winter, culminatin­g in a cabinet shuffle in a few months that will put some fresh faces on the front benches.

For the opposition New Democrats and Liberals, none of this is good news. It means the Conservati­ves, having done what they consider to be the heavy lifting, are settling back into the comfortabl­e centre, where they have had their greatest electoral success.

 ?? Postmedia News file photo ?? The federal government’s 2013 budget will reportedly contain measures intended to bolster economic developmen­t for
aboriginal­s in reserves like Kahnawake, Que.
Postmedia News file photo The federal government’s 2013 budget will reportedly contain measures intended to bolster economic developmen­t for aboriginal­s in reserves like Kahnawake, Que.
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