Regina Leader-Post

Ugliness exposed by shooting death


Registerin­g my disgust and despair at the shooting death of Colten Boushie near Biggar seems the least I can do.

It seems almost weekly that we hear of tragic deaths of Americans, especially where police have shot black men, and many seem under the gun if they do not fit into the “majority” perspectiv­e. Canadians often crow that this sort of thing could not occur in Canada. Obviously, it does.

Where are the good old days when people welcomed others in trouble into their homes? To take a gun and shoot someone for entering one’s property is the epitome of a society gone wrong. We have just heard the tragic stories of many indigenous people through the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission of Canada. Apparently, this has not registered with many Saskatchew­an residents.

But the hatred and bigotry does not end there. How can the RCMP announce the young people in Boushie’s car were being checked out for theft? Was the intent to imply they were doing wrong, that the accused was not?

How could the justice system swiftly let out the accused with only $10,000 bail?

How could the police presence increase on the Red Pheasant First Nation, implying the aboriginal people might act out?

Our society needs to take a good look at itself. We need to apologize, as do Brad Wall and Justin Trudeau. The Saskatchew­an government should show respect for aboriginal people by developing job-hiring programs, educationa­l programs and advertisin­g campaigns where we applaud indigenous people. Linda Joan Paul, Regina

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