Regina Leader-Post

Wall offers carbon pricing ‘starting point’


Premier Brad Wall signalled this week what would be the baseline for when he’d feel comfortabl­e placing a carbon levy on the province’s heaviest greenhouse gas emitters.

“As a starting point, we’d need to see all the jobs that have been lost in the resource sector recovered,” Wall told reporters Monday.

It’s still unclear what that number is, but an estimated 12,400 resource-based jobs were lost over the course of 2015 alone in Saskatchew­an.

Despite passing his own carbon price law more than a half decade ago, Wall has been hesitant to bring in any form of carbon pricing, arguing it would kneecap the economy.

On Tuesday, government MLAs and independen­t MLA Don McMorris voted to officially oppose the federal government’s plan to impose a carbon tax because of the possible effects on the economy.

The federal plan will put a price on carbon emissions, starting in 2018 at $10 a tonne before the price rises to $50 in 2022.

During the spring 2010 session, Wall’s government passed environmen­tal legislatio­n that required large carbon emitters to pay into a fund that would be used to invest in low-emission technologi­es, but it was never put into force.

The “starting point” he referenced this week is the closest he has come in recent memory to signalling when the time may be right to put the law into force.

Wall put forward the motion denouncing the feds’ own carbon pricing plan Monday. That motion also called for the government to support Wall’s plan to address climate change, which he outlined in a speech last week.

That plan includes making heavy emitters pay for the carbon they emit when the timing was right; or, in other words, the plan includes Wall following through on something he committed to doing six years ago.

Originally, the premier was hoping the opposition NDP would support the motion.

While they also oppose the federal plan, they instead introduced an amendment to the motion calling for the condemnati­on of the premier for “his failure to address climate change” in Saskatchew­an.

They also called for the implementa­tion of the heavy emitting law.

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