Regina Leader-Post

Liberals reject motion on discrimina­tion

Tories accused of creating ‘wave of Islamophob­ia’

- DAVID AKIN National Post, with a file from The Canadian Press

OTTAWA • All 165 Liberal MPs in the House of Commons Tuesday, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, voted against a motion calling on MPs to condemn “all forms of systemic racism, religious intoleranc­e and discrimina­tion” in the wake of “the recent and senseless violent acts at a Quebec City mosque.”

The Liberal rejection of that motion came hours after Alexandre Bissonnett­e, accused of six murders at that mosque, made a brief court appearance in Quebec City.

Meanwhile, the 126 Conservati­ve, New Democrat and Bloc Quebecois MPs, as well as the lone Green Party MP, voted in favour of the motion, put forward by Conservati­ve MP David Anderson, which would have, among other things, asked a parliament­ary committee to identify ways to reduce or eliminate “all types of discrimina­tion in Canada,” including “discrimina­tion of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and other religious communitie­s.”

Hours before voting on that motion, a Canadian Muslim leader blamed Conservati­ves for creating “waves of Islamophob­ia” with that motion.

Because the Liberals hold a majority in the House of Commons, Anderson’s motion failed by a vote of 126165, capping a week of emotional politickin­g that saw Liberal MPs say the recent mosque murders were the “direct result” of the kind of policies put forward by the Conservati­ves; that saw the Conservati­ves accuse the Liberals of trying to divide Canadians of different faiths; and a weekend that saw an anti-Semitic incident in Toronto while a mosque was vandalized in Montreal.

In debate in the House of Commons last week, the Liberal MPs said they could not vote for a motion that did not explicitly speak to Islamophob­ia even though MPs unanimousl­y condemned Islamophob­ia not even four months ago, on Oct. 26.

Nonetheles­s, MPs will have the chance to condemn Islamophob­ia again when M-103, the motion from Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, comes up for a vote, likely in April.

Khalid’s motion asks MPs to “condemn Islamophob­ia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimina­tion.”

M-103, just like the motion rejected by the Liberals Tuesday, will also ask a parliament­ary committee to reduce or eliminate “system racism and religious discrimina­tion.”

Khalid’s insistence on including the word “Islamophob­ia” has proved so controvers­ial, she and her office have received thousands of violent, hateful threats and she herself has been assigned police protection.

Liberals who voted against Anderson’s motion Tuesday will vote in favour of Khalid’s M-103 in April.

And while New Democrats who voted for Anderson’s motion will also likely vote for M-103 as well, many Conservati­ves, including interim leader Rona Ambrose and every leadership candidate except for Michael Chong, said they will vote against M-103, because they are bothered by the presence of the term Islamophob­ia, which they feel is poorly defined, or by the absence of explicit recognitio­n that other faiths are victims of religious intoleranc­e.

Conservati­ves presented those objections despite the fact that they, like every other party, agreed to that Oct. 26 motion “condemning all forms of Islamophob­ia.”

The inclusion of the word “Islamophob­ia” is vital, said Samer Majzoub, president of the Canadian Muslim Forum, who praised the Liberal government for rejecting the Islamophob­ia-free motion from Conservati­ve MP Anderson.

“The federal government has taken a very courageous stance,” Majzoub said at a Parliament Hill press conference, flanked by two Liberal MPs.

“We are a community under siege,” Majzoub. He said he has received telephone calls, for example, from Muslim mothers who worry about the safety of their Canadian-born children when they go to school.

Majzoub told reporters at a press conference Tuesday morning that the Liberals are right to vote against the Conservati­ve motion because, in Majzoub’s view, the Conservati­ves are insincere in their desire to tackle the problem of rising anti-Muslim sentiment in Canada.

“We have to look at this and the climate that the Conservati­ves have brought up with their motion. They have not brought it up prior to this. They tried to react in a way that unfortunat­ely, whether directly or indirectly, that has created waves of Islamophob­ia all over the country,” Majzoub said.

The Canadian Muslim Forum, establishe­d in 1993, is a non-profit organizati­on that sees its role to advocate for Muslim Canadians on public policy and civil rights issues. Majzoub, an educator, has been a longtime community activist in Montreal.

“This motion came as trying to delegitimi­ze M-103, trying really to degrade this motion. So it didn’t come — and this is what we believe — it didn’t come as genuine,” Majzoub said.

Last week in the House of Commons, Liberal MP Chandra Arya said the Quebec mosque murders were a “direct result” of the kinds of policies “championed” in recent elections by the federal Conservati­ve party and the provincial Parti Quebecois.

Conservati­ve MP Gerard Deltell angrily rejected Arya’s view.


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