Regina Leader-Post

Witness tells jurors he saw man bleeding at city house party


Virgil Mosquito recounted to a Regina jury hearing an assault and seeing a Caucasian man bleeding on a small sofa during an August 2014 gathering at a Toronto Street house.

The soft-spoken man was one of three witnesses to testify Friday at the first-degree murder trial for three men accused of beating 54-year-old Shawn Roderick Douglas to death on the morning of Aug. 7, 2014.

During his opening address to the jury earlier this week, coCrown prosecutor Derek Maher said he anticipate­s the jury will hear evidence Douglas went to a house on the 1600 block of Toronto Street in the company of a woman he knew and several other people, having run into them at a Victoria Avenue restaurant. Maher told jurors the Crown intends to prove Douglas was assaulted and robbed before eventually being placed into the trunk of a car and driven out of town where, in a treed area just east of Zehner, he was beaten to death with a variety of tools.

Johnathon Nelson Peepeetch, Joshua Duane Wilson, both 26, and Dennis Calvin Thompson, 35, are accused of being among those who caused Douglas’ death. Maher told the jury during his opening address others were also charged and are expected to testify for the Crown later in the trial.

Among Friday’s witnesses, court heard from two police officers who responded to complaints arising from the incident on Aug. 7. One said he went to a house on Quebec Street where he seized a cellphone containing a video taken by a witness at that address.

The video, played in court, shows a gold-coloured SUV and a blue sedan parked on the street with several people moving between them. At one point, people are seen standing at the trunk of the sedan, appearing to be struggling to close it.

The other officer who testified told the jury he and his partner responded to a report of a breakin, where they found a highly distressed Mosquito looking for help.

During his testimony, Mosquito explained what led to that point, starting the evening before with a visit to the Triple 8 Pizza on Victoria Avenue.

Mosquito told the court he was with his sister and female cousin, the three intending to pick up some alcohol at the off-sale.

Plans changed during the stop, the group deciding to visit a house on Toronto Street along with several others they met up with at the Triple 8. Mosquito said they were joined by a Caucasian man driving a gold SUV and a car containing several people dressed in black and white clothing.

Mosquito said he didn’t know the names of anyone besides his sister and cousin.

The scene at the Toronto Street house was initially laid-back, he said, with the group sitting around drinking and sharing what he described as a small amount of cocaine.

Eventually things changed, three males wearing white bandanas coming in through a back door and leaving Mosquito looking for a way out, he said.

“I just remember these guys beating up on this Caucasian guy ...,” he said, not specifying which of the various people in the house were doing the beating. “I didn’t want to be around it.”

Mosquito told the jury the man was bloody, but he didn’t pay him any more attention as he said two guys were “coming at me with weapons.”

Mosquito backed out, kicked off his sandals and ran, telling the court he was chased.

“I just kept on running,” he said. “I felt like I was going to get stabbed up that morning.”

He made it to a duplex a number of blocks over on Reynolds Street where he crawled through a window and asked occupants to call police.

Mosquito pointed Wilson out when asked to identify anyone present at the Toronto Street house that night, but he said he couldn’t be sure about the other two accused.

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