Regina Leader-Post

Group aims to support people with scleroderm­a

Associatio­n helps people suffering from hard-to-detect, unpredicta­ble disease


Even with lots of family support, Tracey Magee felt alone for a long time.

She no longer feels that way. The loneliness began five years ago when the Regina woman started experienci­ng heavy swelling of her hands and feet, joint pain, a lack of mobility and range of motion.

Eventually, digestion issues and fatigue started taking a toll.

Magee missed a lot of work and quit running because of sore and tight joints. It took almost two years before a rheumatolo­gist diagnosed her with scleroderm­a.

“The disease has so many symptoms that diagnosis is difficult,” Magee said.

“Not any one patient suffers in the same way.”

When she got the diagnosis, she was relieved. But then shock set in.

“Even though the definition of the word scleroderm­a is hard skin, it actually affects more than the skin in most patients,” Magee said. “It can attack the heart, lungs, esophagus and kidney. There’s no known cause and no cure.”

Scleroderm­a results from an overproduc­tion and accumulati­on of collagen in body tissues. Complicati­ons can range from mild to severe.

Scarring of lung tissue can result in a reduced ability to breathe and reduced tolerance for exercise. When scleroderm­a affects the kidneys, patients can develop elevated blood pressure and, in very serious cases, kidney failure can result.

Scarring of heart tissue can increase the risk of abnormal heartbeats and congestive heart failure and severe tightening of the facial skin can make it hard to brush teeth or have them profession­ally cleaned.

Staying on top of the disease requires Magee to have continuous testing of her blood, lungs, heart and digestive system.

Right now, she’s doing well with medication to manage the symptoms, but the disease is unpredicta­ble.

“We have no idea or map as to when things will affect me or where,” said the 47-year-old.

Scleroderm­a is a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. An estimated one in 2,500 Canadians is affected by the disease.

Magee wanted to learn more about scleroderm­a and connect with people like her so she joined the Scleroderm­a Associatio­n of Saskatchew­an and is now the incoming president.

The support group meets twice a year and is open to patients, their families and friends. Seeing others manage the disease gives Magee hope.

“I want anyone suffering with scleroderm­a to know that they are not alone,” she said.

On June 4, the associatio­n plans to hold a walk at the South Leisure Centre, 170 Sunset Dr. Registrati­on is at noon and the walk begins at 1 p.m.

The goal is to raise funds for scleroderm­a awareness, education and research.

“More needs to be understood about the disease in order for us to find a cure,” Magee said.

 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Tracey Magee suffers from scleroderm­a, an overproduc­tion and accumulati­on of collagen in body tissues. She is the new president of a provincial associatio­n for patients, families and friends.
TROY FLEECE Tracey Magee suffers from scleroderm­a, an overproduc­tion and accumulati­on of collagen in body tissues. She is the new president of a provincial associatio­n for patients, families and friends.

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