Regina Leader-Post

Most Alabama Republican leaders voting for Moore

Allegation­s of sexual assault don’t sway GOP


MONTGOMERY, ALA. • Most Republican leaders in Alabama say they plan to vote for Roy Moore on Tuesday despite sexual misconduct allegation­s against the former judge that have prompted others around the country to say he should never be allowed to join the U.S. Senate.

Sen. Richard Shelby is an exception — he said Sunday the “tipping point” in his decision to cast a write-in ballot rather than vote for Moore or Democrat Doug Jones was an allegation that Moore molested a 14-yearold girl decades ago.

But Shelby’s outspokenn­ess was the exception rather than the rule.

“I have stated both publicly and privately over the last month that unless these allegation­s were proven to be true I would continue to plan to vote for the Republican nominee, Judge Roy Moore,” Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill wrote in a text message to The Associated Press. “I have already cast my absentee ballot and I voted for Judge Moore.”

The accusation­s against Moore have left many Republican voters and leaders in a quandary. Voters face the decision of whether to vote for Moore, accused of sexual misconduct with teenagers decades ago when he was a county prosecutor, or sending Jones to Washington, which would narrow the Republican­s’ already precarious majority in the Senate.

They also could write in a name on their ballots or stay home. Meanwhile, most Republican politician­s in the state must run for re-election next year — where they will face Moore’s enthusiast­ic voting base at the polls.

The AP tried to find out how Republican leaders from Alabama plan to vote. Most officehold­ers or their staffs responded, while others have publicly stated their plans during public appearance­s or to other media outlets.

However, several officehold­ers did not respond to calls, emails or texts from the AP. They include U.S. Reps. Martha Roby, Mike Rogers and Gary Palmer, as well as state treasurer Young Boozer and state house speaker Mac McCutcheon.

State officehold­ers who said they intended to vote for Moore often cited the need to keep the seat in Republican hands.

Others who plan to vote for Moore include Gov. Kay Ivey; attorney general Steve Marshall; state auditor Jim Zeigler; agricultur­e commission­er John McMillan; state Senate president pro tempore Del Marsh; and public service commission­er Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, who previously led the state Republican party. Also voting for Moore are state party head Terry Lathan and U.S. Reps. Mo Brooks of Huntsville and Robert Aderholt of Haleyville.

The state’s most influentia­l politician, Shelby has said he wrote in a “distinguis­hed Republican” on his absentee ballot rather than vote for Moore.

Shelby told CNN Sunday he had to vote Republican as a party office-holder, but he was swayed by a woman’s claims Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 14.

“There’s a lot of smoke,” Shelby said. “Got to be some fire somewhere.”

Shelby’s decision has played prominentl­y in Jones ads pointing out Republican­s who are not voting for their party’s nominee.

CNN reported last month U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne said he will vote Republican and that he does not cast writein votes. In a statement to the AP, Byrne said it is up to voters to decide.

“Some serious allegation­s have been made and Judge Moore has vehemently denied them. Frankly, I don’t think the people of Alabama want me, any national politician, or the national news media telling them what to think or how to vote,” Byrne said in the statement.

Sen. Luther Strange, who lost to Moore in the Republican primary, did not respond to a request for comment from AP, but told The Washington Post recently that the election is up to voters.

“I’m staying out of it now. I think everybody knows how I feel about Judge Moore. We made our case and the voters made a different decision,” Strange said.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who resigned from the Senate to join the Trump administra­tion, declined to say how he would vote. Moore and Jones are competing for his old job.

“There have been some ads that may have suggested I endorsed a candidate, that is not so,” Sessions said. “I believe that the people of Alabama will make their own decision.”

 ?? BRYNN ANDERSON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A woman has accused U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a 14-year-old.
BRYNN ANDERSON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A woman has accused U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a 14-year-old.

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