Regina Leader-Post

Discover the treasures of Indigenous artists

- GORDON GERRARD Between The Notes

Let me start by saying that what you’re about to read is in no way intended to be an endorsemen­t of smoking cigarettes.

In this increasing­ly fractious world, it seems that one of the only things we all can agree on is that smoking is bad for you. Maybe one of the only other uncontenti­ous statements I can safely make is that life is full of surprises.

A little over 10 years ago, in a little village in the heart of central Bulgaria, two young men ran out of smokes. They stopped at a shop to replenish their stock, and their eyes were caught by the flash of a gold necklace the shopkeeper was wearing. One of the men asked where she came upon the glittering piece, and the shopkeeper told them that her husband, a farmer, found it while plowing one of his fields.

This incident led to the discovery of 15,000 buried pieces of finely crafted gold dating from sometime before the 3rd century BC. The treasure had been hidden in plain sight, right under so many Bulgarian smokers’ noses.

There may be something instructiv­e for us in this little story. But at this moment, we in this country have treasures all around us, lying just beneath the surface of our discovery. Ours are not precious metals and jewels though; they are the dazzling cultures and rich traditions of the Indigenous people who live here.

In talking to some of my

First Nations colleagues, I have learned that there is an honestto-goodness feeling of optimism right now. We have been presented with a magical opportunit­y that feels new. People — Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike — are opening their eyes to the inspired, unique and challengin­g Indigenous artists who are stepping forward to help us discover this plentiful store of riches.

Indigenous cultures, languages and traditions were systematic­ally silenced, that much is undeniable. But now there are so many brave Indigenous voices coming forward willing to share. These voices belong to musicians, writers, painters, sculptors, dancers, actors and filmmakers.

This is not so new. It was Louis Riel who said, “My people will sleep for 100 years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back.” To what extent this moment in time turns out to be precious and valuable will be determined in no small part by the number of us who choose to listen.

My suspicion is that the discoverin­g part won’t be that hard — there’s so much that’s been right under our noses the whole time. Just find another starting point than going to buy smokes.

The Regina Symphony Orchestra presents its inaugural Forward Currents Festival, March 2-4 at the Mackenzie Art Gallery. The theme of the festival is Listen and Hear: Toward Prairie Reconcilia­tion, and it will feature multi-disciplina­ry Indigenous artists from across Canada. Visit reginasymp­ for full details.

Gordon Gerrard is the music director of the Regina Symphony Orchestra.

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