Regina Leader-Post


No apparent truth to broadcaste­r’s rant linking team to Quebec City relocation


It’s perfectly fine to have opinions as loud as your suits, but please, Don Cherry, first be familiar with all the facts.

In case you missed the tempest Cherry stirred up during his Coach’s Corner pulpit on Hockey Night in Canada Saturday night, he ripped into Ottawa Senators fans while coming to the defence of Senators owner Eugene Melnyk.

Specifical­ly, Cherry took issue with the billboards criticizin­g Melnyk that have popped up around Ottawa this week, suggesting the end result could be the franchise moves to Quebec City.

We’ll get back to the ridiculous notion of a franchise relocation to Quebec in a moment.

Here’s the background on the billboards. They were funded through a GoFundMe page set up by a group of 400 to 500 passionate fans angered by how Melnyk is operating the franchise.

The fans have a laundry list of concerns, including the fact Melnyk is running the team with a bare-bones management and scouting staff, relative to other NHL teams. Melnyk appointed himself as president and CEO last month. The fans’ concerns are that the organizati­on has lost touch with the community and the franchise is becoming more toxic — from major management decisions to personnel decisions — by the day.

With the team near the bottom of the NHL standings and captain Erik Karlsson’s future in Ottawa very much in doubt, frustratio­n has hit a fever pitch.

Reaction in Ottawa to the campaign launched by billboard champion Spencer Callaghan has been mixed. Some have questioned the point of the exercise, but there have been indication­s Melnyk is noticing.

During a conference call with season ticket holders on Friday, Senators general manager Pierre Dorion said Melnyk will address fans in town hall meetings during the next few weeks.

Cherry, though, took the billboard discussion to a place it’s never going to go — Quebec City.

“He’s nuts to stay there,” Cherry said of Melnyk. “He’d sell out Quebec in a heartbeat.”

Clearly, Cherry hasn’t been talking to NHL commission­er Gary Bettman or Melnyk recently.

When Melnyk threatened to move the franchise during his outdoor game outburst in December, Bettman put those concerns to rest the following day, saying it wasn’t going to happen. Any franchise relocation would require the approval of the board of governors.

With Seattle on the verge of joining the NHL for a US$650-million expansion fee, Quebec City looms on the horizon as a potential expansion franchise, money that existing franchises would share.

Melnyk, after no doubt receiving a blast from Bettman, has written that he’s dedicated to trying to make it work and anxious to be part of the LeBreton Flats arena re-developmen­t, which would put the Senators closer to the heart of Ottawa than their current home in Kanata.

“The passion of our fans in the Ottawa community is unlike any other in the NHL,” Melnyk wrote in a letter to season ticket holders earlier this month. “As an owner, that’s the most important thing of all. That’s why we are looking to improve every aspect of the Ottawa fan experience. And, of course, we continue to work towards realizing our vision for LeBreton Flats.”

Quebec City, here we come? Not so fast.

Cherry also ranted that Melnyk

(Eugene Melnyk would be) nuts to stay there … He’d sell out Quebec in a heartbeat … fans are giving him a hard time.

has thrown “millions of dollars into that franchise,” that “there’s seven (community) rinks around Ottawa” that he has bankrolled and that “fans are giving him a hard time.”

Here’s the background to that. Melnyk purchased the bankrupt team and the arena from Rod Bryden in 2003 for $120 million, and has been financing the debt ever since.

According to a Forbes Magazine study of NHL teams in November, the franchise value was estimated to be US$420 million, prompting considerab­le speculatio­n that Melnyk could be on the verge of selling. Melnyk, however, has steadfastl­y denied he will ever sell the team.

As for the outdoor rinks, they were built by the Ottawa Senators Foundation, with the help of proceeds from charity donations from the community.

Many of the donations come from fans who have supported the Senators on the ice, many of the same fans who are deeply concerned with how Melnyk is running the franchise.

In the end, Senators fans who want to see some change did get national attention to the issue. Cherry’s words, though, were more about fiction than fact.

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILES ?? Broadcaste­r Don Cherry said Saturday night that Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk would be “nuts to stay” in the capital with Quebec City hungry for an NHL team.
CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS/FILES Broadcaste­r Don Cherry said Saturday night that Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk would be “nuts to stay” in the capital with Quebec City hungry for an NHL team.
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