Regina Leader-Post


Your run could benefit from four extra legs, but it’s important to follow some guidelines


Like a lot of runners, when Ducky Waite doesn’t get his regular run, he gets restless and antsy. The four-year-old pit bull-Doberman mix gets into the trash or rams a chew toy into his owners until he gets some exercise.

“He is a high-energy dog, and as a runner I get that,” said his owner, Shauna Waite, a veterinari­an at Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency Center in Annandale, Va. As a marathoner who logs up to (96.5 kilometres) a week, she can relate. “When we run, we’re both getting good exercise, and it keeps him in good shape.”

Running delivers many of the same physical and mental benefits to dogs as it does to humans. It helps ward off obesity — a growing issue — and related health problems such as osteoarthr­itis and Type 2 diabetes. (Some 54 per cent of dogs are overweight or obese, according to the Associatio­n for Pet Obesity Prevention.)

A 2012 study in Journal of Experiment­al Biology showed that canines get the same “runner’s high” after intense exercise that people experience.

“Exercise is physical and mental stimulatio­n,” said Noon Kampani, a veterinari­an in Washington. “It gives them an activity and burns energy. An exercised dog is usually a better-behaved dog.”

And buddying up with Fido for runs can help you reach your goals. Dog owners are two-and-a-half times as likely to get the recommende­d 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity, according to a study published in the June 2015 issue of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

But running with a dog isn’t as easy as lacing up and getting out the leash. These guidelines will help you establish a safe, healthy, lasting routine that boosts you both.


Before you start any new exercise routine, check with your vet — especially if your dog is older or has orthopedic issues. Not every dog was born to run. Although certain breeds, such as Weimaraner­s and vizslas, are known for speed and stamina, other dogs, such as pugs, are not as well suited to it and are especially prone to overheatin­g. “Know your dog and know the breed,” Kampani said.


Young dogs may seem eager to release their copious amounts of puppy energy. But if the dog hasn’t celebrated its first birthday, it’s probably not a good idea. Its bones have not fully developed, and its growth plates have not closed, Kampani said. Daily bouts of continuous running can lead to fractures and lasting damage. “Young dogs need active play to grow,” Kampani said, “but not repetitive motion like running long distances.”


In winter, clean paws after a run, as road salt can wreak havoc with them, causing redness, roughness and a burning sensation that can lead to infection if the dog chews on the area, Kampani said. In summer heat, take it slowly, take plenty of breaks and ramp up your distance and speed on a gradual basis.


When mapping out your route, consider your dog ’s temperamen­t. Waite knows that Ducky gets nervous around approachin­g bikes, so she avoids popular cycling areas. Incorporat­e stops where your pup can get a drink. Or bring a water bottle with a bowl attached, said Bryan Barrera, founder of a profession­al dog-running service.


Just like any runner, your dog is going to have the occasional off day. Waite takes Ducky for runs when she doesn’t have a strict workout planned. “Just like us, sometimes he is slow, and sometimes he wants to sprint,” she said.


Run slightly behind the dog, leaving some slack in the leash, Barrera said. Avoid having the dog trail behind you, where your legs could get clipped. Running behind your dog also gives you a strong hand and arm to hold your dog in case it lunges after a squirrel, rabbit or other dog. If your dog gives way to chase, grab the leash with both hands and get low into a squat, Barrera recommends.


Waite uses a running halter that attaches at the waist because it doesn’t disrupt her natural running form. A four-foot (1.2-metre) leash will help you avoid tripping over the dog or the leash, Barrera said. “The closer you can keep the dog, the more control you’ll have,” he added.


Watch for signs of exhaustion, such as slowing down, stopping or a change in gait. But be aware that dogs, like people, are prone to going too far, too fast, too soon. “Some dogs will just stop running when they’re tired, but others don’t,” Barrera said. Make your first run with your dog a “fartlek” workout — speeding up and slowing down as you feel ready. To start, you might run to a stoplight, then walk to a tree, sprint to another landmark, then walk. If the dog doesn’t show signs of exhaustion, try a brisk, 30-minute walk. If that is successful, mix walking and running until you can build up to a 30-minute run.

 ?? NICK WIGNALL ?? Bryan Barrera, a marathoner and founder of D.C. Dog Runner, says dogs and people are both prone to going too fast, too far, too soon.
NICK WIGNALL Bryan Barrera, a marathoner and founder of D.C. Dog Runner, says dogs and people are both prone to going too fast, too far, too soon.
 ?? TUFF PUPPER ?? It’s important to keep your dog properly hydrated when running. The PupSipper (US$19.95, even has a built-in bowl.
TUFF PUPPER It’s important to keep your dog properly hydrated when running. The PupSipper (US$19.95, even has a built-in bowl.

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