Regina Leader-Post

Pre-empt irrational behaviour with legal counsel


Q: My husband and I have been together for four years. Sadly, the exwife is still creating many problems threats, going to court, reporting him missing.

She tried to go to a battered women’s shelter the last time he visited their son. He had to call a family friend to the house to help him deal with the ex.

She also called a mental health line to take the child away. His family had to step in so that children’s services wouldn’t take the child.

The psychologi­st had told my husband to never expect her to cooperate.

Recently, we had the child in our care for the day with the ex’s permission. But later, when he’d missed her text by just minutes, she became hysterical that he may’ve kidnapped the child.

I feel like reporting her to the authoritie­s because she’s getting even bolder.

How can we stop this? Worried Wife A: I understand that it’s hard for you to feel any compassion for her. But this woman needs therapy for what she believes is an ongoing threat against her and her child.

Her own family must recognize this. If possible, your husband could ask the family friend to encourage them to get help for her.

Since she IS very reactive, he should speak to a family court advisor and/or a lawyer who specialize­s in difficult relationsh­ips regarding shared custody.

You two should also seek counsellin­g together, to develop a plan for handling his visits with his son.

Meanwhile, ask police and family court when and how to report her IF you’re ever convinced that she’s a danger to the child, your husband or you.

Q: I’m 21, dating a guy for one year. He’s married and has a baby boy.

I never knew that he was married when we started our relationsh­ip.

When he told me about it, I couldn’t leave him. I couldn’t give up on our being together.

He said that he no longer has physical relations with his wife.

Can that be possible? How far can I believe him?

He said that he’s going to divorce her in two years.

Please suggest something to help me because I’m feeling so lonely every night when he goes home. Lonely Girl

A: You have a choice. You’re old enough to decide whether you want to believe everything he says and wait two years… and then maybe be given a reason to wait some more.

But since you don’t have a lot of life experience at 21, I’ll tell you how these situations usually work out:

The cheating husband already has what he wants for now – a home and child being taken care of by his wife, a girlfriend for sex and feeling like he’s still a single guy free to do as he pleases.

He did have physical relations with his wife before the baby and likely has some now, too.

The girlfriend is ultimately left behind, when the man misses his son and family life… or the cheating becomes too hard to conceal, or expensive.

Or, his wife discovers his affair and threatens to divorce and keep the child with her.

OR, the young girlfriend recognizes that she’s wasting her own good years when she could meet someone who’s honest from the start, trustworth­y, and wants her for the longterm, not just for the nights he can get away.

Q: My mom wasn’t so supportive when I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety.

She and my older sister never came to my therapy, nor went on their own.

I was assaulted by a doctor but it was never discussed.

Frequently over the years, she exchanged my gifts or returned them. Yet she accepts expensive gifts from my rich sister and from her grandsons.

I feel like I’m not good enough. My mom says she loves me, but her actions are otherwise - indifferen­t, dismissive, disrespect­ful of my safety, hurts, pains and issues.

She’s in her 80s now and its harder to know what to do. Disconnect­ion Hurts

A: She was apparently unable to understand or have compassion for your mental health diagnosis. This reaction is common among uninformed people who fear a stigma related to depression.

Fortunatel­y, you were better informed and wisely sought counsellin­g. You’re hoping for understand­ing now, thinking it’ll soon be too late. But in her 80s, she’s unlikely to change much.

If you seek her love, forgive her. Be kind and caring, those are the only “gifts” that matter now.

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