Regina Leader-Post

New Prostate Pill Helps Men Regain Bladder Control Day and Night


“Male users from our intital launch in the US say the first thing they noticed was waking up less for the bathroom and better sex in the bedroom. We hope the same to hold true for men here,” – says Dr. Bassam Damaj, the creator of Prostagorx™ .

A new low cost pill is now available that may help millions of men with frequent day and nighttime urination that has many constantly running to the bathroom. Chris Watson The Health Press

TORONTO — A new prostate pill is helping men regain control of their bladders and their sex lives.

According to researcher­s, the key ingredient in the new pill blocks the hormone in the body which causes prostate growth and is tied to poor sexual performanc­e.

As a result, while taking the pill, many users see a dramatic decline in urinary issues, especially urgency and frequency.

“It’s why they love the product. It solves nearly all of the problems associated with BPH and an enlarged prostate; it will increase urine flow, improve bladder emptying, and relieve the constant urge to urinate.

And since it’s been authorized for sale by Health Canada, it’s available right now.

Significan­t Improvemen­ts in Bladder Control

Sales for the new pill, which goes by the brand name Prostagorx ™, are exploding! And that’s because Prostagorx™ is so different than anything most men have ever tried.

Its active ingredient­s help to fight, protect, and reduce free radical damage to prostate cells. In laymen terms, it revitalize­s the prostate. By taking it daily, it helps relieve urologic symptoms associated with BPH that can make life miserable, like running to the bathroom all day long.

Defends and Reduces Free Radical Damage That Triggers Symptoms

Numerous studies reveal that keeping the prostate healthy is vital for controllin­g your bladder and avoiding emergencie­s. When the prostate is small, men are shown to pee freely, forcefully, and without hesitation. There is no pain, urgency or discomfort. And you feel fully relieved every time you go.

But when the prostate swells, men experience just the opposite... an endless battle with annoying enlarged prostate symptoms that can linger for decades!

And according to recent clinical studies, they will. A staggering 80% of men suffer with them. The most common being weak urine streams, painful urination, dribbling and leaking, middle of the night bathroom urges, incomplete emptying, and the constant feeling of having to pee.

Enlarged Prostate Linked to Sexual Failures

According to new research published by the Mayo Clinic, men with large prostate have less sex, lower sex drives, and considerab­ly more problems with their erections. In fact 8 out of 10 men with prostate issues end up suffering with ED!

“Most men have no idea that their prostate can impact their sexual performanc­e” says Dr. Damaj. “The prostate gland needs to be healthy to achieve a powerful orgasm. If its enlarged, men can experience serious sexual let downs.”

How It Works

Prostagorx™ targets the same pathway that makes drugs like Alpha Blockers so effective but since it’s natural it does not require a prescripti­on and is incredibly affordable.

As you get older your body slowly converts your remaining testostero­ne into estrogen through a process known as aromatase. Over the years as more testostero­ne is converted into estrogen, your body becomes imbalanced... too much estrogen and too little testostero­ne signals your body to produce DHT, a growth hormone 10 times stronger than regular testostero­ne.

Unfortunat­ely, instead of correcting this imbalance, the enormous spike in DHT causes your prostate to grow!

As levels of DHT rise, your prostate only gets bigger... pressing hard against your bladder and clamping your urethra shut! The result is painful and persistent prostate problems that will have you living your life around a bathroom.

Prostagorx™ supports your prostate in a whole new way.

Its active ingredient­s are clinically proven to repair connective tissue around your prostate. They also help to fight and protect the prostate from free radical damage, which can cause it to grow.

Backed By Stunning Research

In a new landmark study, the leading ingredient in Prostagorx™ slashed lower urinary tract symptoms by a staggering 81% and was reported to be as effective as a major drug but without any serious side effects reported.

“Ever since I retired my prostate has given me hell. But since taking Prostagorx™ everything has changed. I’ve stopped waking up for the bathroom in the middle of the night. I pee a lot less during the day. And when I do go, my streams are strong and there’s no hesitation. And out of nowhere my sex life’s improved! I’ve tried everything and this is the only thing that’s worked,” explains one U.S. user.

A Brand New Class of Prostate Pills

Prostagorx ™ is an exciting new prostate pill that’s helping men find real relief from the urologic symptoms associated with BPH that can make life so frustratin­g and uncomforta­ble. By nourishing prostate tissue and defending it against free radicals and oxidative stress, Prostagorx™ relieves your symptoms and helps you regain bladder control both day and night. Prostagorx™ helps relieves the urologic symptoms usually associated with BPH (weak urine flow, urinary frequency, and incomplete voiding) to help support urinary tract health.

How to Get Prostagorx™ in Canada

This is the official release of Prostagorx™ in Canada. As such, the company is offering a special discounted supply to any reader who calls within the next 48 hours.

A special hotline number and discounted pricing has been created for all residents. Discounts will be available starting today at 6:00AM and will automatica­lly be applied to all callers.

Your Toll-free Hotline number is 1-800-831-3296 and will only be open for the next 48 hours. Only a limited discounted supply of Prostagorx™ is currently available in your region.

 ??  ?? Popular New Pill for Men: Prostagorx’s™ active ingredient­s interfere with the hormone tied to prostate growth.
Popular New Pill for Men: Prostagorx’s™ active ingredient­s interfere with the hormone tied to prostate growth.

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