Regina Leader-Post


- Christie Blatchford National Post cblatchfor­

It escaped my notice at first so I am late to the party, but I see that in Edmonton last week, a law student filed a complaint about a homicide detective who had spoken to her law class and, o the shame!, allegedly said “inappropri­ate” things.

The student, the felicitous­ly named Caitlin Dick, filed the complaint with the Edmonton Police Service and asked that Staff Sgt. Bill Clark, a veteran of 30 years on the job, be suspended.

As per the force’s usual procedure on complaints from the public, the matter has been passed on to the profession­al standards unit for investigat­ion, but Clark remains on the job.

Among Dick’s grievances: Clark referred to defence lawyers as “bad guys,” this when he asked the secondyear law class for a show of hands whether they wanted to be prosecutor­s or defence lawyers, and to criminals as “maggots”; expressed his support for the death penalty and a lowering of the age when a youth can be tried as an adult to 14; and referred to an “ongoing battle” with Tom Engel, a member of the local defence bar.

Now, since Dick made her complaint, 14 of the other students in the class have signed a letter to the police commission (and a shorter one to the vice dean) providing context to Clark’s remarks, most of which, the letter says, Dick presented accurately but without the necessary detail.

The letter defends Clark’s presentati­on, calling it informativ­e, frank and helpful, and pointing out that Clark was a volunteer who had given of his time.

Fully half of the students who signed the letter in Clark’s support actually used their names, and one of them, Taylor Chartier, has been quoted in the press.

The students’ letter — and Chartier’s remarks — are brilliant.

They were in the completely modern manner exquisitel­y deferentia­l to Dick’s concerns (“He’s rough around the edges,” Chartier told the CBC of Clark, … and there were some phrases that on their own, absolutely I can see why Ms. Dick found them problemati­c”) while simultaneo­usly utterly demolishin­g them.

This is a feat that generally speaking, only the best criminal lawyers can pull off, and I can only hope I live long enough to see Chartier on her feet in court one day.

My very favourite part of the story (aside from the sheer pleasure of writing “Ms. Dick,” see above) is that Dick retained Engel to act for her, and he sent the letter on her behalf. Thus, Chartier said, it would have been inappropri­ate to show Dick the rebuttal letter as she “had retained counsel.”

(An Edmonton magazine, writing about Engel in 2008, headlined the story, “Is This the Most Hated Lawyer in Town?” — a reference to Engel at that point allegedly having filed more complaints against the police than any other lawyer in Alberta, and police having complained in return about him to the law society. Much of Engel’s practice revolves around defending those who have been allegedly abused by the police. My hunch is he has broad shoulders.)

In any case, there were apparently 26 students who attended the Nov. 1 lecture.

Obviously, a total of 14 (Chartier and the six others who used their names, seven others who didn’t but supported the letter) were willing to defend both Clark and the law professor who invited him. Three others supported but didn’t sign that letter defending the law prof.

So that makes a total of 17 students who either fully supported Clark’s right to say what he did and found it useful and/or at the least supported the professor’s judgment in asking him to the class.

That means, by my math, there are nine students either on the fence or who didn’t see the letters (though according to Chartier, serious efforts were made in that regard) or who may indeed share Dick’s concerns.

As someone who is speaking to two groups of lawyers in the next 10 days (one a group of criminal lawyers, the other employment and labour law lawyers), the delicate sensibilit­ies of one law student and perhaps more is of some interest to me.

And it’s not just students at law, either.

My Toronto Sun colleague, Sam Pazzano, had a grand story last Thursday about three Toronto defence lawyers who asked the judge in a murder trial to recuse himself for allegedly demonstrat­ing a reasonable apprehensi­on of bias by being in the room when, apparently, the deceased’s family had brought in doughnuts for all in the room.

The judge was out of the room when the family gave the goodies out; a court staffer later offered him one and he took it.

Blessedly, the judge dismissed the motion.

I would never have guessed the defence bar or its potential members were either so touchy or so touchy-feely.

I now intend to issue trigger warnings before my speeches.

If Staff Sgt. Clark was worthy of an official complaint, and a cinnamon twist was used in a serious allegation of bias, I fear hearing me may require counsellin­g.


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