Regina Leader-Post

Old-fashioned story honours lauded author

Janeites will delight in characters, tale inspired by Austen


The Jane Austen Society Natalie Jenner St. Martin’s


One of the most underrated aspects of Jane Austen’s writing — devoted Janeites will no doubt agree — lies in how that English spinster dealt with the damaged.

We all know her exuberant characters, the Lizzie Bennets and Emma Woodhouses; her comic relief, the Sir John Middletons and the Augusta Eltons. But her true genius lies in her portrayals of the broken hearts and battered psyches of the Colonel Brandons and the Anne Elliots — those who require some coaxing to return to the society Austen so brilliantl­y depicted.

In The Jane Austen Society, debut novelist Natalie Jenner uses the village of Chawton in Hampshire as the gathering point for her battered and broken-hearted. Chawton House, the “Great Ouse” as Jane Austen knew it, was occupied by her brother Edward Austen Knight; for the last eight years of Austen’s life, she inhabited a nearby cottage. While Austen had famously lived in Bath, she moved to Chawton in 1809 with her mother and sister. All six of her novels were published after the move.

The action begins in the late 1940s as England limps slowly out of the Second World War, and the residents of Chawton and its surroundin­gs realize that both Austen’s cottage and family seat may soon be snatched up at auction by greedy developers with little interest in local literary landmarks. So several people, from a quiet farmer to a sad doctor to a young widow and even the last surviving Austen Knight relation, band together to raise money to save the house, along with a few important objects.

The Jane Austen Society is no Jane Austen novel; its dialogue is not as crisp, its pace a bit flabby. But Jenner keeps things interestin­g by moving back and forth in time and place as different storylines progress, and by including a few characters Austen could never have anticipate­d, such as a Hollywood film star and a local teenager mad for Jane’s archives. Dedicated Janeites will find much to love in these people, who trade quotes from Sense and Sensibilit­y and Persuasion the way some toss around lines from The Simpsons.

If you’ve never cracked the spine of Sense and Sensibilit­y or Persuasion, you may still adore this sweet, old-fashioned story — but if you do know Austen’s work, you’ll appreciate it all the more. Anyone seeking an antidote to contempora­ry chaos will find a welcome respite among the members of a group whose outer lives may appear simple, but whose inner lives need the kind of balm Austen knew well.

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