Saskatoon StarPhoenix



What have we learned from the Oka crisis?

Twenty-five years later, what changes did the Oka crisis bring about for aboriginal people in Canada? What lessons have been learned? Three commentato­rs weigh in.

“In government­al terms, we’ve made almost no progress at all.”

Stephen Lewis, Canada’s former ambassador to the United Nations and UN envoy for HIV/AIDS:

I think if we had taken Oka seriously, if we had understood the insanity of a golf course versus the rights of aboriginal peoples, if we’d understood back then that we were trampling on the rights of First Nations, we wouldn’t have had such a long and tumultuous time (that continues) until today. And we still haven’t learned the lessons.

Not only has the federal government showed continuing contempt for aboriginal rights, but along comes an exemplary report (by the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission on residentia­l schools, issued June 2), with a large number of thoughtful and important recommenda­tions, and the prime minister makes it clear that he really doesn ’t care what the findings disgorge.

While we have come a long way in the sense that the aboriginal movement is now strong and vocal and principled and focused, and we’ve come a long way in the sense that we’re getting court judgments in favour of the rights to ownership of land and the rights to be consulted before the lands submit to pipelines or to devastatio­n of one kind or another, although we’re beginning as a country to recognize there has to be a new contract with First Nations, the fact of the matter is that in government­al terms, we’ve made almost no progress at all.

This government couldn’t care less. The discrimina­tion in terms of the per capita payment for education, the contempt for (northern Ontario First Nation community) Attawapisk­at and the Idle No More movement, the complete and total indifferen­ce, the rhetorical flim-flam with which they surround themselves, is revolting.

“I’m not interested in making white folks feel guilty about the past.”

Ronald Wright, author of Stolen Continents: The “New World” Through Indian Eyes Since 1492 (1992, Viking):

It was a turning point in the sense that since Oka, we have seen much more vocal, more effective political representa­tion coming from First Nations throughout this country.

I’m not interested in making white folks feel guilty about the past. I am a white folk myself. It’s what we do with this past. And the first duty we have is to understand what really happened, and to make amends however we can, and do it in full consultati­on and with the full consent of aboriginal people.

It’s about ending a brutal colonial legacy in this country. The brutality and the hypocrisy of that colonial legacy was brought into focus by Oka.

It has led to an increased militancy and an increased determinat­ion among native people to make their case. The Idle No More movement would be another example of that.

It’s quite clear that this government has no interest in trying to make amends or redress the balance or reach some fair middle ground with indigenous people. Indeed, their actions point to exactly the opposite, that they see indigenous people as something that might get in the way of making Canada an energy superpower with the export of dirty oil.

“The gap that needs to be closed”

Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations:

Oka resulted in Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. It was a five-year, $60-million report. But how many of those RCAP recommenda­tions have been implemente­d?

Twenty-five years later, if we would have acted and implemente­d those recommenda­tions, I think the whole relationsh­ip with Canada and the gap that exists between the quality of life (between aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples) would be closed.

If we really want to bring about reconcilia­tion and a better Canada, we’ve got to start focusing on closing the socioecono­mic gap that exists between indigenous peoples and non-indigenous peoples in this country.

The United Nations Human Developmen­t Index has rated Canada sixth in terms of quality of life, but when you apply those same indexes to indigenous peoples, we’re 63rd. That’s the gap that needs to be closed, because that represents poverty. That represents overcrowde­d housing. That represents inequality of funding for education. That represents the mental health issues and the youth suicides. That represents the murdered and missing indigenous women and girls, the violence in our community.

And I say that that’s not good for our people and it’s not good for this country. If we close that gap, that’s not only good for our people that’s good for Canada.

 ?? JOHN KENNEY/The Gazette files ?? A Mohawk warrior, with a high-powered rifle, takes cover during the 1990 Oka crisis.
JOHN KENNEY/The Gazette files A Mohawk warrior, with a high-powered rifle, takes cover during the 1990 Oka crisis.
 ??  ?? Stephen
Stephen Lewis
 ??  ?? Ronald Wright
Ronald Wright

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