Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Harper Lee ready to send her Watchman out to fans


Last September, British literary agent Andrew Nurnberg received a text message from a lawyer representi­ng Harper Lee, the famously private author of a single, enduring book. “Please call me urgently,” it said.

Lee had become Nurnberg’s client a year earlier, after relations with her previous agent had ended in a lawsuit. Because she has only ever written one novel — To Kill a Mockingbir­d, published in 1960 — there wasn’t much for an agent to do other than negotiate foreign rights.

When lawyer Tonja Carter’s text message came, late at night, he assumed the worst. But when he finally spoke to her, the news was not of Lee’s death.

“I found another manuscript,” she said. Nurnberg says he went silent. “It was the last thing that I would have ever expected,” he says. “Of course we never thought there would be another book. Nobody did.”

Go Set a Watchman, a book Lee wrote before To Kill a Mockingbir­d, is due to be published worldwide on July 14, and the few people who have read it are protecting its content with gleeful ferocity.

Two million copies have already been printed for the North American market, with proportion­ally large print runs elsewhere. It is the most pre-ordered book in its publishers’ history, and the most pre-ordered book of the year on Amazon.

Naturally, there has been some skepticism. Lee is deaf and nearly blind and has lived in sheltered accommodat­ion since she had a stroke in 2007. Is she really of sound enough mind to have granted permission for the book’s publicatio­n? The question may be immaterial — or merely sentimenta­l — since Carter appears to have power of attorney. And noted historian Diane McWhorter, for one, who knows both women, says Carter would not do anything Lee would not want her to do.

Facts about Lee are notoriousl­y hard to come by, so the debate is something of a distractio­n. But two things seem worth noting: First, that because of the secrecy in which Watchman has been shrouded, the only people currently in a position to pass judgment on it are the very people who stand to gain from its publicatio­n. And second, that whatever the book turns out to be, it is likely to change forever the way we think about To Kill a Mockingbir­d.

U.K. editor Arthur suggests Wa tch - man’s content is, if anything, more controvers­ial than the drama surroundin­g its publicatio­n. “I think once this book is out there, people are going to be surprised,” he says. “Shocked, in some instances. There will be those who’ll say: You have spoiled Mockingbir­d for me by publishing this book.”

The main concern appears to be the fate of — or the truth about — a cherished hero. Mockingbir­d, a linchpin of 20th-century literature, has many subjects: childhood, racism, rape, reclusiven­ess, community, the U.S. South.

But at its core is the moral education of a young girl as she observes her exceptiona­l father. The wise, funny, pared-down voice of the narrator, Scout, is what carries the book. But its hero, really, is her father Atticus Finch, a lawyer who takes on the case of a black man accused of raping a poor white woman. Though the jury convicts his client, Atticus is revered in the black community — as he has been revered in Western culture ever since. That may be about to change.

Watchman takes place 20 years after Mockingbir­d. Scout is 26.

“Because it is seen through the eyes of an adult and not through the eyes of a child,” Nurnberg says, “things are much more nuanced. This was a very difficult time for people in the South, and people would veer from one position to another during those times of segregatio­n.”

Or, as Arthur puts it: “If you scratch under the surface, those you thought were progressiv­e are less progressiv­e than you might imagine.”

Mockingbir­d is a novel about race, and it’s easy to think, in retrospect, that Lee took on that topic when everyone was talking about it. But the truth is her position was exceptiona­l, risky and far ahead of its time.

When Lee began writing her novel, the yearlong bus boycott led by Martin Luther King across her home state had only just ended. Though the U.S. Supreme Court ruled as a result that the segregatio­n of buses was unconstitu­tional, that decision was followed by extreme racial violence.

McWhorter says: “Even for liberals, it was very hard to take on segregatio­n fully.” They focused instead, she says, on making segregatio­n “nicer, more humane.”

In McWhorter’s view, Mockingbir­d is itself so “daring” — written as it was by a white Southerner — as to be “an act of protest.”

 ?? HARPER PUBLISHING ?? Go Set A Watchman is the most pre-ordered book of
the year on Amazon.
HARPER PUBLISHING Go Set A Watchman is the most pre-ordered book of the year on Amazon.
 ??  ?? Harper
Harper Lee

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