Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Moore wants 20% of workers to ride bus


Mayoral candidate Kelley Moore has set a more ambitious target for bus ridership than the City of Saskatoon.

Moore said at a news conference Monday she wants to see 20 per cent of Saskatoon residents commute by bus. The city’s goal sets a combined target of 20 per cent of commutes by transit, cycling or walking.

More said she will also push for greater investment in Access Transit to better serve disabled people.

She said she supports the idea of bus rapid transit like the system being explored by the city.

“We should have actually started planning this 20 years ago, not today, because we are behind other cities in this regard,” Moore told reporters.

She said she recalled urging a resistant city hall to consider an expanded transit system when she worked as a planner for the city.

Park-and-ride stations where commuters travel by private vehicle and park close to a station along a frequent bus route should also be explored, Moore said.

A better, more reliable transit system will help the city save money in other areas, she added. Moore said the city needs to improve on the five per cent who take transit to work.

“We can’t build ourselves out of congestion,” Moore said. “(Low transit ridership) is only because it’s been neglected by the city and has not received the attention it deserves.”

The downtown bike lanes pilot project is “not working,” Moore said, and future bike lanes need to be better planned.

Moore is facing three other candidates for mayor: Incumbent Don Atchison, longtime councillor Charlie Clark and Devon Hein.

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Kelley Moore

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