Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Teen admits role in fatal shooting


An ill-fated find by a pair of Regina youths proved to be the first link in a chain that led later that night to the death of Matthew John Wells, shot while at home with his wife and stepchildr­en.

“You’ve done something ... that has caused the death of another human being,” Judge Clifford Toth told a 16-year-old youth on Thursday. “You started the chain. You have to understand you are accountabl­e for that.”

The teen appeared in custody at Regina youth court, where he pleaded guilty to manslaught­er as a party to Wells’ October 2015 death. The youth — who cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act — was one of four people implicated in the incident, and initially faced a charge of second-degree murder.

The teen — who also pleaded guilty to theft of a rifle, possessing a gun while prohibited from doing so, and break and enter — received the maximum term allowable under the YCJA. The three-year sentence was pared down to 27 months to allow credit for remand. As set out by the YCJA, the youth will spend 18 months in custody and nine on community supervisio­n.

Crown prosecutor Chris White said the incident began to unfold on the evening of Oct. 21, when a plot was hatched by several people associated with the Native Syndicate street gang involving “hitting hater houses,” or the homes of those with whom the gang felt it had a problem.

Plans were stepped up when the two teens, digging through vehicles in Regina, happened upon an unlocked truck containing a .22 Ruger and ammunition. Looking to impress, the teens went to two adult males associated with the NS, telling them of the find. According to defence lawyer Adam Fritzler, the adults then returned with the teens to steal the gun and ammo.

Later, as the 16-year-old texted people he knew to see if anyone had more ammunition, the four carried out the night’s plan, driving to the first target at about 3 a.m. on Oct. 22 — a bungalow on the 1500 block of Robinson Street. Then, while the youths stayed in the vehicle, the adults got out with the gun, court heard.

Wells and his family had not lived for long in the home, which was occupied previously, it turned out, by a rival gang to the NS — the believed true targets of the hit. White said neighbours reported hearing a number of shots fired and Wells was shot several times as he looked through his window. One bullet struck his heart.

White said the four then headed to a second address on the 2200 block of Robinson Street where further shots were fired at a residence, before repeating their actions at a residence on the 3200 block of Dewdney Avenue — a house that ended up being vacant.

Fritzler said his client, prone to substance abuse at the time of the shooting incidents, has since disassocia­ted himself from gang members. While he acknowledg­ed the two teens knew nothing good was being planned with the gun, neither of them is believed to have pulled the trigger.

The second youth previously pleaded guilty to breaking, entering and theft of the gun. Meanwhile, two adults — Robert Brian Oochoo and Jason Dustin Hotomanie — continue to face murder charges and are expected to return to court next week for a preliminar­y hearing.

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