Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Baby boomers may have missed the memo on benefits of exercise


As baby boomers move into their 60s and 70s, they’re slowly facing the realities of aging. While previous generation­s were counselled to slow down, new evidence suggests slowing down actually speeds up the aging process.

Instead of accepting the physical and cognitive decline normally associated with advancing years, boomers should be concentrat­ing on achieving the laudable goal of “successful aging.”

Most experts agree exercise has the potential to mitigate the physical effects of getting older. Despite the importance of building more activity into the lives of the 60-plus crowd, the trend toward moving less with age continues. Two-thirds of adults over 75 don’t participat­e in any form of physical activity and half of those who are sedentary have no plans to exercise.

Baby boomers aren’t getting the message that exercise is the fountain of youth. Instead, they’re repeating the mistakes of previous generation­s by believing that physical activity is more recreation­al than medicinal.

Regular exercise reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, many of which are more prevalent in older adults. It also helps improve sleep, reduces the risk of falls and helps maintain vital muscle mass. So valuable is exercise for an aging body, a case could be made that this is the stage of life when it’s most crucial to work up a sweat.

Some of the reluctance to exercise is due to the belief that purposeful physical activity is too painful for the retirement crowd, who are more comfortabl­e pampering their achy knees, wonky backs, weakened shoulders and high-mileage hearts. An aging body is generally less resilient, which means it’s not as forgiving when youthful exuberance overrules common sense. There are, however, plenty of options that offer all the benefits of exercise without the discomfort.

For most, that means an exercise routine that is intense enough to benefit health and improve fitness but not so intense that it hurts. For the majority of the over-60 population, it translates into a moderatein­tensity workout that requires effort but produces no pain — either during or after the workout. It also means finding a routine that can be easily modified based on existing ailments without it losing the challenge factor.

Adding a social component to your workout can make exercise more palatable. Local community recreation centres usually offer a large selection of classes for seniors, including everything from aerobics to yoga, with discounted pricing to make it affordable.

If you’re still concerned that exercise will make you feel worse, not better, consult your doctor. Physicians can offer basic guidelines on the appropriat­e intensity levels. And since visits to the doctor tend to increase with age, they can monitor the effects of physical activity and suggest changes as boomers move from their 60s, to their 70s, into their 80s and beyond.

How much exercise does it take to keep that youthful edge?

Aim for the recommende­d 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week, which health and fitness experts suggest is enough to lower the risk of chronic disease and improve energy levels and mood. If that amount seems daunting, do it in 10-minute intervals several times a day — an attainable goal for anyone whose body isn’t used to sustained bouts of physical activity. And don’t shy away from taking the stairs, doing physical chores around the house and leaving the car at home. The more movement you can add to your day the better.

The familiar caveat “use it or lose it” is a worthy mantra as you age. The more you avoid physical activity, the harder it is to get moving when you have to. So the next time you complain about the aches and pains of aging, remember that the solution to successful aging isn’t doing less, it’s doing more.

 ?? CHERYL BROWNE ?? Tai chi in the park: Adding a social component can make exercise more enjoyable, and community centres often offer a large selection of classes.
CHERYL BROWNE Tai chi in the park: Adding a social component can make exercise more enjoyable, and community centres often offer a large selection of classes.

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