Saskatoon StarPhoenix


News Mouse keeps journalist­s on their toes as it eats its way through our messy desks


Here at the StarPhoeni­x, we’re fond of our News Bunny. It’s a rabbit that hangs around our parking lot, winter and summer. He’s more shy than most reporters, but he must have a nose for news, since you can see it twitching all the time. He’s smart, too. He’ll sneak under a newly parked car to keep warm but isn’t so reckless as to climb up into the engine bay.

Things got awkward for the News Bunny in the fall, when his fur changed to white before there was any snow. Still, we thought it was cute, the way he thought he was blending in, oblivious to the absurdity of the situation.

We are less fond of our News Mouse. We didn’t even know we had a News Mouse until rumours started floating around. Like mice to grain, reporters are naturally attracted to rumours; they like to wrestle them down and turn them into facts.

The fact of our News Mouse came in two waves. Our crime reporter saw him flit by her desk. The mouse was, you might say, at large. Then a few minutes later came an email notificati­on from Human Resources, now known as Human and Rodent Resources, telling us that, indeed, there were mice in the building and that building maintenanc­e was working on the problem and that we should avoid leaving food around our desks.


Circa 500 B.C.: Aesop fabulously recounts the story of a lion who shows mercy by letting a mouse go free and the mouse one day returning the favour by chewing through the ropes after the lion is captured. The moral of the story: Be nice to mice.

We were very nice to our mouse because we ignored HR. Reporters simply can’t not leave food around. Maybe it’s the wonky hours they have to work, or ingrained messiness, but they always have something around to nosh on — cookies, sunflower seeds, trail mix, you name it. Not smart when there are mice, but they are oblivious to the absurdity. To be on the safe side, I moved my cookie stash into a hard plastic container. It felt like using a Super Soaker to put out a forest fire.

I started imagining mice crawling all over the building, little mice nests teeming with nursing babies. Creepy. But at least I didn’t have to be part of the exterminat­ion program. Who knew what the fight was like for the guys downstairs? If it were a movie, we’d see one of them checking his trap in a dark corner, finding one dead mouse, smirking at his little victory, and then looking up to see a giant eight-foot-tall mouse bearing down on him, jaws snapping, claws extended until finally, horribly, we hear his cries of agony drowned out by the rumbling of the press.


1785: Robbie Burns pens To a Mouse, wisely observing that a mouse has the luxury of living in the moment.

“Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!

The present only toucheth thee:

But Och! I backward cast my e’e,

On prospects drear!

An’ forward tho’ I canna see, I guess an’ fear!”

Our News Mouse continued to make our present tense. I thought I was safe with my food put away.

But I naively left a wheat bag on my desk, one of those things you warm up in the microwave to soothe sore muscles. I was being cookie wise and grain foolish. That wheat bag was an entire Superstore of food to our News Mouse. I went to move it one day and grain gushed out of it. Breakand-enter victims are right; it’s not about the stuff that’s taken, it’s the violation. Just knowing the mouse was crawling all over my desk was disturbing enough. Then I started seeing the black specks it was leaving behind. Gross!

Some weeks later, our associate news producer noticed something amiss with the bag of pumpkin seeds she had in her desk drawer. She lifted it up and seeds spilled out through the hole that had been chewed in it.


1937: John Steinbeck publishes Of Mice and Men.

1942: The cartoon Mighty Mouse debuts.

2017: Our associate news producer snaps the only known picture of the News Mouse. He’s hiding on the online editor’s desk — UNDER A BAG OF PRETZELS.

This fight isn’t over, not by a long shot. But I think we all know who’s going to win.

 ?? LORI COOLICAN ?? The ever-hungry News Mouse was spotted hanging out under a bag of pretzels.
LORI COOLICAN The ever-hungry News Mouse was spotted hanging out under a bag of pretzels.
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