Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Cannibalis­m’s bad rap?

Cannibalis­m: A Perfectly Natural History Bill Schutt Algonquin Books


Though it’s often portrayed as the ultimate act of human depravity, zoologist and author Bill Schutt thinks cannibalis­m has gotten a bad rap. He makes these points in his new book.

1 Honey, I…

Cannibalis­m is a rather common phenomenon in the animal kingdom. The preferred meal is often of one’s own children — larvicide and infanticid­e take the cake. They eat it, too.

2 Sibling rivalry

Some sharks, called sand tigers, are known to eat their siblings in utero. Mom might start gestation packing 20-plus kiddos in her pouch, but on average only two will see the ocean. A protein punch is one purported motivation, but ichthyolog­ists also suspect hunting for a meal on the inside is likely to improve predatory skills in the wild.

3 Hammy-bal Lecter

While golden hamsters are a favourite first pet for kids, the precious puffballs are prone to offer their young owners less-than aspiration­al lessons. In captivity, especially stressed by mishandlin­g humans and squishy digs, hamsters frequently cannibaliz­e their own pups.

4 Revisionis­t retelling

Parents, Disney and bored babysitter­s alike have leaned on fables from Charles Perrault’s 17th-century story collection Tales of Mother Goose when it’s time for lights out. But history has altered the tales. In today’s representa­tions, Snow White escapes unharmed, but in Perrault’s source material, the wicked queen doesn’t simply request Snow White’s doom, but her bones for soup as well — his original story ends with the queen slurping down a pot of what she believes to be our fair princess. Likewise, Uncle Walt left out the part of Little Red Riding Hood when our wolf arrives to granny’s hearth first, bloodletti­ng nana and offering unwitting Red his cannibal’s Cabernet. She downs it, with a side of granny’s own organ meat stew.

5 Mao down

Chairman Mao Zedong tried to cook up his China’s best future with a utopian agricultur­al strategy known as The Great Leap Forward. Mao’s concept consolidat­ed China’s farmland so drasticall­y that crops and their byproduct economy bottomed out. Many farmers starved to death, robbed of their bounty and ability to gain from its sale. Those who didn’t were forced to consume farm animals, pets and eventually their own deceased countrymen. Mao’s reign marks China’s most cannibalis­m-related deaths on record.

6 Filial pie-ty

In a show of self-sacrifice and adoration, children in some cultures have historical­ly offered themselves —quite literally — to their parents. Author and historian Key Ray Chong reports that in pre-modern China, some children would remove parts of their body (often fingers) to use in soups prepared for mom and dad’s pleasure: a symbol of true fidelity and youthful redemption.

7 Rock, roll and no regret

In 2002, gossip mags ran headlines reporting Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards had snorted the ashes of his late father Bert several years after they’d been drying on his mantle. He has since corroborat­ed the story with one tweak, clarifying that he’d been burying Bert’s ashes when a little flew wayward. It was just that small morsel Richards scavenged and sniffed, quote: “Ashes to ashes, father to son.”

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