Saskatoon StarPhoenix



I love breakfast.

One of the perks of working from home is that I have not only a first breakfast, but a second breakfast as well. The first breakfast occurs in earlyish morning, after a cat has woken me from my slumber with the usual paws to the face. I nosh on something light, like plain yogurt, fruit and granola, served with a steaming mug of green tea. The second breakfast is a couple of hours later, midmorning usually. This time it’s eggs in some form or another, toast, coffee, or if I’m feeling quite spoiled, a piece of cake or pie from last night’s dessert. Not going to lie, I really like my second breakfast, especially when cake is involved.

Lately, I’ve taken to making my own granola. It’s a fun project to embark on, plus I get to control what goes in it. My first breakfast has never been better! When you make your own, you can control the sugar, and what type of sugar you’re using. For this recipe, I used a mixture of honey and maple syrup. A little fat is required, and I used coconut oil as it has a fairly neutral taste. Now the fun part — creating your own granola mix.

It’s important to use the large flake oats, or rolled oats. Don’t bother using the quick stuff. I used walnuts and almonds, but you can use whatever nuts you like. Seeds also factor high for me, as they are so healthy and tasty. Fun fact: Saskatchew­an and Manitoba are the country’s biggest producers of hemp hearts, which are legal and won’t make you, um, high. Instead, they will give you excellent amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and protein. Saskatchew­an also produces a large amount of flaxseed, which is high in fibre, antioxidan­ts, and our friend omega-3s. Many granolas contain shredded coconut, which I’ve left out of this recipe, as I’m not a fan. If you’re on team coconut, feel free to add 1 cup instead of the nuts. I also don’t like adding dried fruit to granola, but if you do, be sure to add it after the granola has baked, otherwise it will get too dry.

The salt brings all of the flavours together, but you can leave it out if you like. A teaspoon of ground cinnamon would be a nice addition instead. The most important thing about making your own granola is to not burn it. You’ve spent a good chunk of change on purchasing the nuts, seeds, etc. — the last thing you want to do is have it go black. The last 10 minutes of baking time is when I watch it like a hawk, stirring every few minutes, bringing the outside edges in. Golden brown is what you’re going for.

This is the point of winter when I get tired of eating apples, oranges and bananas. Good thing we have locally grown sour cherries at the Farmers’ Market. I often pick up a 1 litre container (frozen) for just $6 and simmer them down into a compote. They taste wonderful when layered in a parfait with granola and plain yogurt. Easy to prepare, and the parfaits look fancy, especially in glassware you have hiding in your china cabinet. It’s a breakfast of champions, to see us through to spring.

 ?? RENEE KOHLMAN ?? Sour cherry, yogurt and granola parfaits are easy to prepare and look fancy.
RENEE KOHLMAN Sour cherry, yogurt and granola parfaits are easy to prepare and look fancy.
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