Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Physical therapy at Vetavision


When Kira Penney was a veterinary student at the Atlantic Veterinary College in Prince Edward Island, her rambunctio­us Irish setter ran into her with so much force that she needed knee surgery.

Both before and after the surgery, she did physiother­apy so her recovery would be faster.

“It got me thinking: Why aren’t we doing stuff like this for dogs?” Penney said.

Animal rehabilita­tion did exist, but few people were certified to do it. Penney became determined to swell their ranks and, after earning her veterinary degree, became certified in canine rehabilita­tion.

Penney, who began working with the University of Saskatchew­an’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 2015, believes she is one of just three animal rehabilita­tion specialist­s in Saskatchew­an.

Physiother­apists who work with people can also work with animals if they take courses and partner with a supervisin­g veterinari­an; Penney said she knows of one person doing this in the province.

With so few rehabilita­tion specialist­s, Penney is kept busy helping animals brought in from across Saskatchew­an and she said demand for rehabilita­tion services is continuing to grow.

“People are starting to want comparable care for their pets that they get for themselves,” the vet said.

“Pets, I think, are becoming more part of the family versus being a pet and so I think people are starting to want to be able to provide their pets with a higher quality of care ... If you’ve just spent a couple thousand dollars on a knee surgery and rehab is going to make their recovery faster or better, then most people figure that that’s a good return on their investment to go ahead and do rehab after the surgery.”

Fortunatel­y for pet owners, Penney said an increasing number of veterinary students are showing interest in being certified to do animal rehabilita­tion and there may soon be more specialist­s working in the province.

Penney has done rehabilita­tion work on dogs, cats, rabbits, pot belly pigs, parrots and exotic animals such as owls and geese.

Her workspace, in the basement of the veterinary college, resembles a physiother­apy office with balls, ramps and even an underwater treadmill.

Penney will show off that workspace today and Saturday during Vetavision — an open house that allows the public to come into the veterinary college and learn about work being done there.

Doors are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. both days.


Among the smallest animals being featured at Vetavision are bees.

Esther Derksen, a second-year veterinary student, said she had never thought about veterinari­ans doing research on the insects when she applied for vet college.

Yet a new bee health elective being offered at the college is becoming increasing­ly popular.

“They need health care just like any other species,” Derksen said.

“They get diseases, they get sick, you have production problems and so a bee-keeper who’s trying to have a successful operation is increasing­ly going to need the advice of a veterinari­an especially since, if they want to use any drugs like antibiotic­s for different sorts of diseases on their bees, they have to go to a veterinari­an to get those antibiotic­s.”

Those who are bugged by bees need not worry; the hive Derksen has on display for Vetavision is empty to minimize the possibilit­y of people getting stung. Derksen knows all about that. She’s been stung more times than she can recall.

“You get used to it,” she said. “You can’t work with them and not get stung.”

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 ?? KAYLE NEIS ?? A dog shows off one of the many physiother­apy machines at the University of Saskatchew­an’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine. The college hosts Vetavision, an open house event, Friday and Saturday.
KAYLE NEIS A dog shows off one of the many physiother­apy machines at the University of Saskatchew­an’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine. The college hosts Vetavision, an open house event, Friday and Saturday.

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