Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Wall’s would-be successors try to ride to victory on his coattails

Although premier is retiring, his popularity among polled voters has risen to 49 per cent

- MURRAY MANDRYK Murray Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.

To be clear, Brad Wall is retiring.

Contrary to what you might assume based on virtually everything you’re hearing from Saskatchew­an Party leadership candidates, Brad Wall will not be reincarnat­ed in the form of one of the five leadership hopefuls.

Notwithsta­nding advances in cloning, it really can’t be done that way. On Jan. 27, whomever becomes the new Sask. Party leader — and thus, premier of our province — will be expected to put his or her own stamp on the party.

That person will not be Brad Wall ... even if they are all now pretending to be.

The latest premiers’ polling results from the Angus Reid Institute show a surprising uptick in Wall’s popularity since his retirement announceme­nt last month.

Notwithsta­nding a byelection loss, ongoing anger over the 2017-18 budget tax increases and service cuts — and fallout from the Global Transporta­tion Hub (GTH) that now encompasse­s possible criminal charges and allegation­s of Bill Boyd passing himself off as a government representa­tive during a private business trip to China — Wall has somehow maintained his status as the country’s most popular premier, with a 49 per cent approval rating.

In fact, he improved on that rating from the last Angus Reid survey in June, which showed him at an all-time low of 45 per cent.

Sure, it’s a far cry from the nearunimag­inable 71 per cent approval rating of five years ago or from the six-year streak of an approval rating above 60 per cent. But the fond affection for Wall is rather remarkable given the backdrop of today’s provincial politics. And overall affection for Wall intensifie­s into worship among Sask. Party supporters who will be voting in the leadership race.

This hasn’t gone unnoticed by those seeking to replace him.

Within hours of this week’s Angus Reid poll, Sask. Party hopeful Scott Moe noted the work of “one of Canada’s most respected independen­t research institutes” and added: “You’re going to love the results.”

“The survey confirms that Premier Wall is the most popular Premier in Canada, and a majority of people in Saskatchew­an think that he will go down in history as outstandin­g or aboveavera­ge,” Moe wrote. “We all know that his legacy over the last decade as Premier is outstandin­g.

“And I commit to you that I will stand with Brad Wall’s legacy in the next decade.”

Evidently, the only real debate going on in Sask. Party ranks right now goes something like this: “Brad Wall: Simply outstandin­g or greatest ever?”

“We all owe a debt of gratitude to Brad Wall’s leadership,” Moe wrote. “That’s why I believe in continuing his legacy.

“Do you agree that I should continue Brad’s legacy? Tell me by signing my petition ... P.S. If I can count on your support, click here to chip in $5 to help me stand with Saskatchew­an.”

The appeal comes at a time when Moe’s campaign has run into its share of problems. He’s had to address his involvemen­t in a 20-year-old fatal car accident — a story that may or may not have gained new life because of a rival camp bringing it to public attention. And most recently there are rumours that some of the 22 Sask. Party MLAs involved in the massive Sask. Party show of support are about to bail on the candidate.

So to draw such direct comparison­s to Wall when you have limited ability to replicate Wall’s charisma, speaking ability and leadership abilities would seem to be asking for trouble. And once past all the fawning in the leadership race, there would be the added problem of then inheriting all of the Wall government problems without having offered any solutions.

Of course, Moe is by no means the only leadership candidate hinting that he or she has received the Wall royal jelly from the premier who will be endorsing no one. Alanna Koch is arguably worse. They all are implying this.

The problem? Well, none of them is Brad Wall. And even Brad Wall isn’t quite as popular as he once was.

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