Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Filmmaker’s work getting buzz


The Tinwife would make a pretty cool episode of Black Mirror.

The Saskatchew­an-made short film ( just under 30 minutes) is set in the past and future at the same time. It’s the 1950s but the 1950s as if all the futuristic innovation­s they imagined at the time were at their fingertips. Thus, you’re seeing cops using ray guns and commercial­s for the galaxy-hopping Astrocar on black and white television­s.

As writer and director, Travis Neufeld has imagined and brought to life a visually intriguing world that brings together wood panelling, chrome dinettes, round fridges and room-sized computers.

The Tinwife at the centre of the story is Wendy Miller (Anna Mazurik), a housewife who wears a dress and pearls while dusting and ironing. Two cops pay her a visit. They say her husband is dead in a skyway accident and that she, as an android, has to be taken to the “evaluation centre” under the Mechanical Beings Protection Act. There must be some mistake, she says, because she’s not a robot, she’s a human being. (If they’d just check to see if she has a control panel, all this could have been cleared up.)

It’s a short film but the more you look the more you see. The notion of women being the property of men makes you think of The Handmaid’s Tale. A scene where a group of tinwives is ominously taken to grey vault (To be reprogramm­ed? Melted down?) has shades of the Holocaust in it. And the idea that the robots might be more human than humans, as propagated by the rebellious evaluation centre inmate Juliet, is worth pondering.

For local theatre fans, it’s a treat in itself seeing actors familiar for their stage work shine on the screen. Mazurik, who makes you think of Betty Draper from Mad Men, is flawless, Anna Seibel is dangerous and smart as Juliet and Michael Neuert (you can picture John Goodman in the price-isno-object version) is a convincing taciturn cop with a secret of his own.

Adding to the ’50s feel is the music, which runs under many of the scenes as was the style of the time. The filmmakers really don’t miss a trick in props, hair, makeup and costumes.

The message is timeless. Then, as now, technology promises to make us happy. But, really, does it ever? And why, oh why, do we keep falling for it? And, of course, who, indeed, are the real robots?

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 ??  ?? Anna Mazurik stars as Wendy Miller in the short film The Tinwife, which is set in the 1950s and features stunning props, hair and costumes from the era.
Anna Mazurik stars as Wendy Miller in the short film The Tinwife, which is set in the 1950s and features stunning props, hair and costumes from the era.

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