Saskatoon StarPhoenix

HPV vaccines highly effective


Persistent infections caused by high-risk HPVs are the primary cause of cervical cancer and can cause cancers of the anus, vagina, vulva, penis, and certain head and neck cancers. And HPV cancers occur in males and females. A Canadian Cancer Society report from last year showed that nearly 4,400 Canadians will be diagnosed with an HPV cancer and about 1,200 Canadians will die from an HPV cancer. Even more worrying is that new HPV mouth and throat cancers increased a dramatic 56 per cent in males and 17 per cent in females between 1992 and 2012.

Mouth and throat cancers now represent about onethird of all HPV cancers in Canada.

The good news is that HPV cancers are largely preventabl­e through vaccinatio­n. The vaccines available in Canada are highly effective in preventing persistent infections caused by two types of high-risk HPV that are responsibl­e for the majority of HPV cancers.

One vaccine also protects against five other high-risk types of HPV.

HPV vaccinatio­n has been studied for over 20 years in more than one million people in countries all across the world. Extensive research indicates that the vaccines are safe and well-tolerated and have side effects similar to other vaccines. The evidence shows that any potential risks are far outweighed by the benefits. Dr. Robert Nuttall, assistant director of health policy, Canadian Cancer Society

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