Saskatoon StarPhoenix



In a major policy speech intended to strengthen her tenuous grasp on leadership, embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May promised to restore the “British dream” Wednesday. But the speech soon turned into a nightmare.


In a speech to the party faithful, May began by taking responsibi­lity for calling an early election that turned into a disaster for the Conservati­ves, reducing them to a minority administra­tion. “I led the campaign, and I am sorry,” she said. Then she tried to move on, telling ministers to “shape up” and focus on “the daily lives of ordinary working people.”


As her speech progressed a prankster walked up and handed May a P45 — the form given to people being laid off in Britain. As he was bundled away by security, the joker, identified in media reports as comedian Simon Brodkin, said “Boris told me to do it” — a reference to Boris Johnson, the Foreign Minister and the man tipped to replace the PM. May’s office said there would be a thorough investigat­ion. Police said the man, who was briefly detained “to prevent a breach of the peace,” had legitimate accreditat­ion for the high-security conference. Brodkin, whose stage name is Lee Nelson, has pulled off other high-profile stunts including showering internatio­nal soccer federation president Sepp Blatter with money during a 2015 press conference.


Then May struggled with a cough and a hoarse voice that forced her to pause repeatedly. She had just told the conference she wanted to “give a voice to the voiceless,” only to find she couldn’t speak. Time and again, May stopped to sip water, then to accept a cough drop from Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond — “the chancellor giving something away for free,” the prime minister joked. In the hall, delegates willed her to carry on, giving her standing ovations to cover the coughing, When she finished, they roared with relief, as May’s husband Philip bounded on stage and embraced her.


In a final insult, the set behind her began to fall apart. Two letters — an F and an E that helped to spell out the party’s slogan — dropped off the wall as she spoke. “Building A Country That Works For Everyone” became “Building A Country That Works or Everyon.”


However, May’s speech was later overshadow­ed by furor over comments by Boris Johnson during a meeting at the conference that the Libyan city of Sirte could become a tourism hub once they “clear the dead bodies away.” Conservati­ve lawmakers condemned the remarks as crass and tasteless, and several called for Johnson to be fired.


“That poor woman. That poor, poor woman. No matter how many black cats her chauffeur ran over on the journey to the conference centre, she did not deserve anything like this.” — Michael Deacon, The Daily Telegraph

“If you’d written it as an episode of political satire, you’d have probably dismissed it as too much.” — Martin Belam, Guardian.

“The meltdown will fuel speculatio­n about accident-prone Mrs May’s future as leader, which has been raging all week.”

 ?? PAUL ELLIS / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE / GETTY IMAGES ?? Protester/comedian Simon Brodkin gives a mock dismissal form to British Prime Minister Theresa May in Manchester on Wednesday.
PAUL ELLIS / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE / GETTY IMAGES Protester/comedian Simon Brodkin gives a mock dismissal form to British Prime Minister Theresa May in Manchester on Wednesday.
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