Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Committee seeks moves to prevent future meddling


WASHINGTON • The leaders of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on Wednesday largely endorsed the findings of the intelligen­ce community that Russia sought to sway the 2016 U.S. elections through a hacking and influence campaign, and they called for a “more aggressive, whole-of-government approach” to ensure future elections are not similarly compromise­d.

“There is consensus among members and staff that we trust the conclusion­s of the ICA,” Sen. Richard Burr, the Republican committee’s chairman, said at a news conference, referring to the intelligen­ce community’s assessment that Russia was behind hackings of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign director John Podesta’s email account and had attempted to exploit public opinion by sowing false informatio­n, much of it through fake social media accounts.

“But we don’t close our considerat­ion of it,” he added.

Burr also said that “the issue of collusion is still open” and would not be resolved until the committee’s work was done. He said that a deadline for the committee was the looming start of the 2018 primary season.

“We’ve got to make our facts, as it related to Russia’s involvemen­t in our election, before the primaries getting started in 2018,” Burr said.

“You can’t walk away from this and believe that Russia’s not currently active,” he added.

Burr and Sen. Mark Warner, the committee’s Democratic vice-chairman, said the committee has interviewe­d more than 100 people and reviewed more than 100,000 documents, many of them from the intelligen­ce community, President Donald Trump’s inner circle and former members of the Obama administra­tion. In some areas of the investigat­ion, Burr added, investigat­ors had “exhausted every individual” they could speak with in several areas of the probe — such as an April 2016 meeting at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.

Burr said the committee had interviewe­d seven people about that meeting and that “the testimony of all seven were consistent.”

He said the committee had also “interviewe­d every person” that was involved in drafting the Republican campaign platform, suggesting that investigat­ors had found no evidence of nefarious activity by Trump campaign officials in fashioning that platform to support a “strong ally in Ukraine, but also leave the door open for better relations with Russia.”

Burr also told reporters that the committee had “hit a wall” in attempting to verify the details of a salacious dossier about Trump’s alleged exploits in Russia, mostly because its author, former British spy Christophe­r Steele, had rebuffed the committee’s efforts to speak with him about his sources.

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