Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Amazon must pay US $295M in back taxes, EU says


BRUSSELS Amazon has to pay US$295 million in back taxes to Luxembourg, the European Union ordered Wednesday, in its latest attempt to tighten the screws on multinatio­nals it says are avoiding taxes through sweetheart deals with individual EU states.

Margrethe Vestager, the EU official in charge of antitrust issues, also took Ireland to court for failing to collect a massive 13 billion euros (US$15.3 billion) in back taxes from Apple Inc.

She argued that, like in Amazon’s case, the company had profited from a deal with the country that had allowed it to avoid paying most of the taxes the EU felt were due.

The EU has taken aim at such past deals, which member states had used to lure foreign companies in search of a place to establish their EU headquarte­rs. The practice led to EU states competing with each other and multinatio­nals playing them off one another.

EU states are now trying to harmonize their tax rules, but Wednesday’s and previous rulings seek to redress years of tax avoidance.

Vestager said that U.S. online retailer Amazon had unfairly profited from special low tax conditions since 2003 in tiny Luxembourg, where its European headquarte­rs are based.

As a result, almost three quarters of Amazon’s profits in the EU were not taxed, she said. “In other words, Amazon was allowed to pay four times less tax than other local companies subject to the same national tax rules,” she said. The issue is not so much that the companies got tax breaks but that they were available only to them.

Amazon said it believed it had not received any special treatment from Luxembourg and would consider appealing. “We paid tax in full accordance with both Luxembourg and internatio­nal tax law.”

EU states like Luxembourg and Ireland that have deals with multinatio­nals are put in difficult positions with such rulings. They don’t want to scare away the companies by hiking their tax bills but also want to fall in line with the EU’s efforts to create an even playing field — as well as show taxpayers that big foreign companies are paying their fair share. The issue of corporate tax avoidance became a hot topic in the EU after the financial crisis, when government­s had to raise taxes and slash spending to get public finances back into shape.

Luxembourg said it might appeal Wednesday’s ruling, but stressed it is “strongly committed to tax transparen­cy and the fight against harmful tax avoidance.”

 ??  ?? Margrethe Vestager
Margrethe Vestager

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