Saskatoon StarPhoenix

In leadership contests, what you don’t see often matters more

- MURRAY MANDRYK Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.

The old cliche suggesting party leadership­s are like icebergs — nine-tenths of which are unseen by most — applies to Saskatchew­an’s current simultaneo­us leadership hunts.

Let us begin with the NDP leadership, where — notwithsta­nding what seems to be a rather large policy/philosophi­cal gap between Ryan Meili and Trent Wotherspoo­n — the surface appears cordial.

But what you need to know about internal leadership contests is that you can only disagree on so much before: (a) doing untold harm to the greater good of the party by being super critical of your rival (and potential new boss), and; (b) doing even greater damage to your campaign by alienating potential voting party members.

So what we see above the surface is a generally uninterest­ing combinatio­n of safe, dull policy pronouncem­ents, student-council-election-style endorsemen­ts and sometimes nauseating humblebrag that combines with political passiveagg­ressive behaviour when the aforementi­oned can no longer be contained below the surface.

The latter recently bubbled up in the NDP campaign in the form of a couple strange Twitter replies from Cathy Sproule (who is the lone caucus member supporting Ryan Meili) to Wotherspoo­n’s announceme­nt on mental health policy. Sproule replied to a comment: “This is (NDP health critic) Danielle Chartier’s work, she has done an amazing job on this.”

Harmless observatio­n by Sproule? Perhaps. But in front of the backdrop of someone campaignin­g for Meili and someone many assumed would be picked as interim leader (as opposed to Nicole Sarauer who is officially neutral, but close to Wotherspoo­n), it didn’t exactly come across as harmless.

In fact, one doesn’t have to dive deep below the surface to find old rivalries between the NDP’s left/ newer-voices supporting Meili and the old guard/more-right clearly supporting Wotherspoo­n.

However, what may be even more fascinatin­g is the belowthe-waterline activity in the Sask. Party. Consider the campaign of Alanna Koch.

Above the surface, what exists is a Koch campaign that would seem both uninterest­ing and not very well run.

Having previously told the Prince Albert Daily Herald she “wouldn’t want to make promises” she can’t keep, Koch sought to rectify this by unveiling last week positions like reinstatin­g mandate letters for cabinet ministers and paying lip service to transparen­cy and accountabi­lity.

But this was quickly followed by her undying affection for everything Brad Wall, followed by a strange recitation of her “very authentic” leadership style in which “I come across as genuine and sincere.” If this is so, it’s usually something you don’t have to tell people. Or at least, saying so isn’t something Wall viewed as necessary.

This contrasts with far more substantiv­e policy announceme­nts from Tina Beaudry-Mellor (quickly becoming what little social conscience voice there is in this Sask. Party leadership race) on First Nations/northern communitie­s issues including economic developmen­t, high suicide rates, domestic violence and low high school graduation rates.

Even Scott Moe’s campaign, that has had little in the way of policy, announced last week a deficit-eradicatio­n plan along with reinstatin­g the PST exemptions on crop, hail and life insurance. Again, contrast that with Koch’s pronouncem­ents last week that she really didn’t have a deficit-reduction/tax plan beyond what the Sask. Party government is already advocating.

However, before being left with the wrong impression that Koch’s campaign is a disaster, consider how well it’s working below the surface.

Besides the quiet support of many in the allegedly neutral executive council, Koch is constantly getting knowing nods from the business/agricultur­e/ oil sector elite within the party. And she continues to campaign at a feverish pace in rural communitie­s where the Sask. Party votes exist.

All this has those other camps grumbling — especially some in Moe’s camp, already stung by the mysterious disclosure of his past driving record.

What you see above the waterline doesn’t tell the whole story.

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