Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Tax cheat dragnet snags clerks


The Liberals have invested $1 billion in the last two budgets to crack down on tax cheats.

But it’s probably fair to say that no one in government expected the tax-avoidance measures to target minimum wage store employees who get a 20 per cent discount on a pair of jeans, or restaurant workers coming off shift who get a meal at the end of the night.

Yet that appears to be the consequenc­e of a new interpreta­tion of the Income Tax Act by the Canada Revenue Agency.

The Retail Council of Canada recently raised the issue at the House of Commons finance committee.

Karl Littler, vice-president of public affairs, cited the latest version of the CRA tax folio that advises employers that “when an employee receives a discount on merchandis­e because of their employment, the value of the discount is generally included in the employee’s income.”

He said the CRA has not treated these discounts as taxable benefits in the past but has indicated it will do so starting Jan. 1.

The response has been predictabl­e: employees on modest incomes lighting up switchboar­ds of talk radio phone-ins to complain about the grasping Liberals.

The Conservati­ves were quick to jump on the story. “When the Liberals said they would go after ‘wealthy tax cheats’ this is what they meant: hard-working waitresses having a pizza at midnight after an eight-hour shift or a fitness trainer who gets a gym membership with his job,” said Pierre Poilievre, the Conservati­ve finance critic.

“The Liberals cannot simply blame this decision on the CRA. The prime minister has set the tone.

“By attacking our local businesses and family farmers and calling them tax cheats, he has unleashed the tax collectors to hound all hard-working Canadians for more money.”

This is gold for the opposition — it links the government’s penchant for spending to a tax grab on small businesses and now store employees. It is a potentiall­y costly unforced error by the Liberals. They have already upset the nation’s farmers, doctors and convenienc­e store owners. Now, two million sales clerks hate them too. So what happened? The suggestion from a number of well-placed sources is that the CRA decided to interpret the taxable benefits and allowances clause in the Income Tax Act more rigorously but with a view to clamping down on discounts on expensive products like cars. “It isn’t meant to be nearly as big a deal as the Retail Council is making it,” said one person with knowledge of the change. He pointed out that if a retailer has an annual sale during the year, those goods would not have to be included as employee income under the new interpreta­tion. To CRA bureaucrat­s, employee discounts should, in theory, be taxable — they’re a benefit.

But practicall­y it doesn’t make sense. It would be an administra­tive nightmare for employers and taxing them would, inevitably, lead to them being phased out.

The news is understood to have been a complete shock to the Liberals, including the office of Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthill­ier, which is perhaps not surprising since she merely administer­s the law, she doesn’t get to make or amend it.

Lebouthill­ier issued a statement that suggests the government may be more flexible in the applicatio­n of its policy going forward.

The government’s political opponents will claim this as another embarrassi­ng U-turn, in the tradition of climb-downs on electoral reform, parliament­ary reform and, coming soon, small business tax reform.

“There have been no changes to the law governing taxable benefits to retail employees. We are not targeting individual­s working in retail,” said the statement.

“The agency issued a guidance document to mainly provide assistance for employers and is committed to further clarifying the wording of the guidance to reflect this.” If common sense prevails, the clarificat­ion of the new wording will make clear that employees still qualify for small perks, tax-free.

But the political damage is done. Poilievre is right that the Liberals cannot absolve themselves of the CRA’s actions. The consequenc­es of the government’s crackdown were predictabl­e — so predictabl­e that they were, in fact, predicted.

The finance committee’s review of the first $444-million budgetary injection aimed at prosecutin­g tax evasion included a submission by the Conservati­ves.

It pointed out that the Harper government’s actions may have helped close the tax gap already.

“If these measures do not bear sufficient fruit … a more robust CRA may begin to target ordinary Canadians and small business, rather than any large corporatio­ns and high net worth individual­s practising tax evasion,” it suggested.

The CRA has had some success in its crackdown, the latest statistics reveal.

In the last fiscal year, it completed 111,712 audits, leading to 37 conviction­s, 50 years of prison time and a “fiscal impact” of $12.5 billion. (Fiscal impact means taxes identified by audit but not necessaril­y collected by the agency.) CRA has, by all accounts, met, and even surpassed, its revenue targets.

But the law of diminishin­g returns is beginning to apply.

The low-hanging fruit has been picked and the CRA knows it is going to have to work harder to meet its future revenue targets, which may explain the employee discount gambit.

None of this is good news for the governing party. By including employee discounts as taxable benefits for minimum wage workers they appear mean; by not including them after saying they would, the Liberals look like corks dancing in a torrent they don’t control.


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