Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Public input sought on rapid bus system


The City of Saskatoon wants input on its proposed bus rapid transit (BRT) system, even though the venture has progressed well into the planning stage.

Those who want to offer opinions on the city’s BRT plan can do so on the city’s website at engage/transit-plan.

The initiative is supposed to improve the speed and efficiency of bus service. The city’s survey is estimated to take 15 to 20 minutes. The survey will be open until Dec. 15.

It asks questions about what people would improve or change about the system and gauges assessment of the city’s plan.

The city also plans an open house on Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at La Troupe du Jour at 914 20th St. W.

Presentati­ons are scheduled at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The city awarded a $3-million contract to Omaha, Neb.-based HDR Corp. to start planning a 34-kilometre bus rapid transit system to reshape the bus service.

The system is estimated to cost $90 million to $150 million, but that does not include a solution to railway crossing delays. Early estimates of the cost to build underpasse­s and overpasses to accommodat­e a BRT system were $150 million.

The basic components remain unchanged from two years ago, with an east-west red line and a north-south blue line.

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