Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Snow business is serious business

Beyond shovelling, there are other ways to protect your home from wintry blasts

- Watch Mike Holmes in his series, Holmes Makes It Right, on HGTV. For more informatio­n, visit makeitrigh­ MIKE HOLMES

You ever notice how everyone seems to forget how to drive the day of the first big snowfall? After many months without the white stuff, most homeowners also have to readjust to dealing with the problems winter can bring to their homes.

So when we get those big winter snowfalls, what’s the first thing a homeowner should do to make sure it’s “snow problem?”


Your roof will take the biggest beating from snow this season. After major snowstorms, ideally you want the snow to slick right off a pitched roof.

For roofs that hold snow (and this applies to flat roofs, too), use the snow as an indicator of what’s going on underneath the surface. When the snow hits, look at your roof for any spots where snow is melting. Seeing a little melt around exhaust pipes is normal. But if there are any naked areas, it’s a sign that your attic isn’t doing its job.

As a cold zone, the temperatur­e of the attic should match the outdoor air. When heat escapes through the roof, it means that the R-value of the space probably isn’t up to the task. R-value is the yardstick we use to measure a material’s ability to resist heat flow. Higher R-value means more resistance. Local building codes will dictate how much insulation you’ll need to get the needed R-value for your attic. The type of insulation you have will dictate how thick that is. I like a closed-cell spray foam because it offers a lot of insulating power, and keeps air and moisture from moving through it.

The roof also needs adequate venting to allow the attic space to maintain the same outdoor temperatur­e. I like to see ridge vents, which run along the peak of the roof allowing for continuous airflow. They tend to be more expensive to install, so I’m not saying you should run out and get a new roof if you don’t have ridged venting. But your roof does need to have enough venting to allow air to flow through. The standard is one square foot (0.09 square metres) of venting per 150 square feet (13.9 square metres).


Whenever I drive through my neighbourh­ood, I always notice one thing: so many homeowners leaving big snow drifts right up against their homes. Clearing snow from the driveway is a no-brainer, but do you know why you also want to clear snow that’s directly up against your home?

Concrete is porous, so even when it’s crack-free, it can absorb moisture like a sponge. If you’re not waterproof­ed, this can lead to water damage like mould or rot. When the snow that piles up against our homes starts to melt in the springtime, do you really want it melting right against your foundation, where it could get in? I don’t think so. If shovelled away from your home, as it melts it will drain harmlessly away (assuming the property is graded as it should be).


It’s your responsibi­lity to make sure that pathways to and from your home are cleared and safe to walk. It’s not just the neighbourl­y thing to do; in case of an accident, you could be liable. Shovelling may not be enough. Ice buildup is dangerous and can cause harmful slips and falls. A lot of people use salt to de-ice their walkways, but I’m not a fan; it can hurt our lawns, brick mortar, and the paws of our four-legged friends. Instead, check your local hardware store for a pet-friendly de-icer.

What I do is sprinkle a generous amount of sand over the ice to provide plenty of traction when navigating pathways. Because it doesn’t actually melt the ice, you’ll need to spread some more sand when it gets buried by new snow. Sweep it up in the springtime to keep it from collecting into your drainage systems.

But really, the best defence against ice buildup is to be proactive. Shovel the snow away as soon as you can, before it has a chance to freeze.

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