Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Corey O’Soup, the Saskatchew­an Advocate for Children and Youth, calls himself “a forever eternal optimist.” This is a trait that may serve him well in a difficult role. O’Soup and his staff are tasked with investigat­ing the deaths and injuries of children in care, and hearing complaints from those who feel the system has failed.

Taking an optimistic approach to issuing his annual report, which came out earlier this week, however, borders on inappropri­ate.

The first section focuses on some inspiring programs that have been successful in tackling mental health and other issues for youth. There are indeed some impressive programs outlined, which are sure to inspire others.

It is not until one gets deep into the back pages of the report that some unhappy figures come to light. Last year, 18 children died in government care and 47 were critically injured. Two died of suicide, and 11 attempted suicide. Seven kids were stabbed while part of the foster-care system.

As the Postmedia story by Ashley Martin noted, six children 10 months or younger died due to “sleep-associated risk factors” — preventabl­e deaths as babies are smothered while sleeping with their parents.

Even when it comes to these statistics, O’Soup prefers to look on the bright side. He points out that 23 children died in 2016.

“That’s four less kids that have died in this province in the care of government services. It’s almost a 25-per-cent reduction,” O’Soup said.

His math is correct as he makes this observatio­n, but it seems to gloss over a still-concerning situation.

This editorial is not meant to paint O’Soup’s time in the role in a completely negative light. He has made some impressive gains in the area of reconcilia­tion. This is vital considerin­g an estimated 70 per cent to 90 per cent of children in government care are Indigenous.

The tone and purpose of the document and its release are the focus of concern. It must also be pointed out that as a watchdog, O’Soup must be careful not to create an appearance of going easy on the government he is, in part, supposed to critique.

This annual report is really the public’s only chance to hear the stories of the youth who have died or been hurt on the government’s watch. O’Soup’s most important job is speaking for these youth, who can’t speak for themselves. It is doubtful that they would take a sunny approach in addressing their experience­s.

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