Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Carbon tax court fight may offer clarity that’s not exactly wanted

- MURRAY MANDRYK Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.

Bear with the perverse logic here for a moment and consider that the best way to settle the carbon tax debate or move forward on meaningful environmen­t policy is through Premier Scott Moe’s constituti­onal challenge unveiled Wednesday.

Of course, many see this Court of Appeal for Saskatchew­an reference case as another political attempt by the Saskatchew­an Party government to buy time until there is a larger lobby of conservati­ve-minded government­s supporting its case ... or until Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government is no longer in power.

Given the likelihood that whatever the Court of Appeal decides will be challenged in the Supreme Court of Canada by whichever side loses, either may be possible. And in the interim, the Saskatchew­an Party government will keep up this political game of fighting the Trudeau carbon tax while appearing to be fighting a provincial jurisdicti­onal question that Moe called a matter of provincial “sovereignt­y.”

After Wednesday morning ’s announceme­nt, Justice Minister Don Morgan declared his government would no longer be discussing the case because it was before the court. Mere minutes later, Moe tweeted about it. His government hasn’t stopped talking about it since. Let us hope and pray Saskatchew­an Court of Appeal justices are not swayed by Twitter.

But notwithsta­nding the politics and the ever-accompanyi­ng silliness — not to mention those who rightly note the potential of wasting tax dollars in court — there are a couple of good reasons why this needs to be settled by judges.

The court challenge will clarify jurisdicti­onal/taxation questions. And it will open up the stalemated environmen­t/carbon tax debate.

Notwithsta­nding whatever political games there are that might have helped motivate this court action, let us acknowledg­e that Moe and the Sask. Party government do bring forward a legitimate issue that might not necessaril­y be the slam dunk for the federal Liberal government that some believe it to be. At the very least, opinions do seem to be divided.

“I suspect they will not succeed,” said John Whyte, a constituti­onal scholar at the University of Regina and former deputy minister under the Roy Romanow NDP government. “They’ve got an argument that is intelligib­le, an argument that is plausible, but the federal arguments in each case are probably stronger.” Others are not so definitive. “Who is going to win this? The answer is: Nobody knows,” said Bob Hawkins, a former Saskatchew­an Party candidate who also teaches constituti­onal law at the UofR.

The irony for the Sask. Party is that it’s essentiall­y arguing that what’s in the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is not a “carbon tax” or tax at all (which, the Sask. Party government concedes, is the feds’ right to impose) but rather a scheme to regulate natural resources and economic activity (which are matters of provincial jurisdicti­on).

“A tax is simply a tax. The GST has got a fixed rate all the way across Canada. It’s clear and unambiguou­s,” Morgan explained Wednesday. “For them to do something where there are a variety of different things available for different provinces based on their approval of certain other methods, is something we do not think falls within the ability to tax and is not consistent with any form of federalism.”

But at stake for Moe’s government is another very real possibilit­y — the conceivabl­e notion that the appeal court will determine it has no interest in determinin­g whether the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is being unfairly applied to Saskatchew­an or whether the province’s Prairie Resilience: A Made-in- Saskatchew­an Climate Change Strategy is a viable alternativ­e.

The court may decide its only role is determinin­g whether Ottawa can impose this tax, leaving the province stuck with this current carbon price and with no implementa­tion plan.

However, that too will provide clarity.

It may even spur the province to come up with a better plan to reduce GHG emissions.

Either way, this court action will move things forward.

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