Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Selection process for licences was random, transparen­t: minister


REGINA After the provincial government received roughly 1,350 submission­s for cannabis retail stores in Saskatchew­an, 17 of the 51 permits were shared among just five different companies.

That means one-third per cent of stores legally selling cannabis in the province will belong to five companies, despite there being 270 times more submission­s to run a store. Proponents had one chance at a permit in a lottery in each municipali­ty, according to Saskatchew­an Liquor and Gaming Authority Minister Gene Makowsky.

“It was a random process, random draw and that’s what came out of the draw,” said Makowsky, who added the process is like a home lottery or lottery system used to determine draft orders in pro sports. “It’s not always what the numbers might entail. So again, random draw, transparen­t process.”

KPMG accounting oversaw the lottery and is to release a fairness report on the process next week.

NDP Justice critic Nicole Sarauer said, “There has been a lack of transparen­cy with respect to this process” and called on the province to make the full fairness report public.

She also criticized the province for not doing more to give a “leg up” to local businesses — one-third of the successful companies are based outside of Saskatchew­an.

In Regina, 157 applicants were entered into the lottery for six permits. One of those permits went to Dwayne Anderson, and another went to Jill Anderson. Both have the same lawyer listed as their official contact. Any relationsh­ip between the two Andersons could be immediatel­y confirmed.

The probabilit­ies of winning a licence in Regina was 3.8 per cent. The probabilit­y of two people who are related but apply as separate entities winning is about onetenth of one per cent.

“I’m not aware of that situation. It would be two separate businesses, whether they have the same lawyer or what have you,” Makowsky said, before adding “we can look into that.”

The lawyer representi­ng both of the Andersons could not be reached for comment.

None of the names listed as contacts for the companies appeared in donation records to the Saskatchew­an Party.

Although many applicants hoping to open a retail location are one step closer to doing so, they will still have to go through a “character test” from the government.

Applicants already proved they have the financial assets available, as well as the ability to track cannabis products.

SLGA president Cam Swan said multiple factors determine whether someone has “good character.” He said someone operating an illegal pot retail location would not necessaril­y fail the character test if no charges have been laid.

The successful proponents have 45 days to begin their permitting process. Permits dictate the require stores start operating within 12 months of legalizati­on.

Makowsky told reporters the province doesn’t expect pot to be legal until at least Aug. 7.

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