Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Moe to propose changes

- D.C. FRASER With Postmedia News files

REGINA Saskatchew­an is announcing Wednesday its proposal to change the federal equalizati­on formula.

According to sources close to Premier Scott Moe, he will put forward a plan to make the formula “more fair and equitable for all provinces.”

All week, Moe has been telegraphi­ng the announceme­nt by sharing on social media political messaging related to the equalizati­on formula, which gives cash to needy provinces.

His plan is presented as being fair for all provinces, but his messaging on the subject to this point has targeted a specific province: “Did you know that over past 11 years, Quebec has received nearly $100 BILLION in equalizati­on payments while Saskatchew­an has received zero? This has to change,” he tweeted Monday.

The equalizati­on program is up for renewal in March 2019.

Moe is putting forward his proposal well ahead of that, a week before a gathering of the country’s finance ministers, possibly in an attempt to bring the issue to the forefront of those discussion­s.

Complicati­ng any provincial­federal discussion­s about changes to the formula, which is complex but based on the basic premise of ensuring all Canadians have access to equitable services, is a recent levelling out of inequality amongst provincial economies.

In 2017, a combined $18 billion was distribute­d to Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec — which was given $11 billion of that amount.

Strangely, a quirk in the formula allowed Ontario to graduate to a “have” province in 2018, but still receive an equalizati­on “adjustment payment.”

Saskatchew­an and Alberta, despite running deficits and having recent financial downturns, are still considered “have” provinces, which do not receive equalizati­on payments.

Equalizati­on has long been a source for populist ire in Western Canada, despite overall federal transfers to provinces generally equalling out on a per-person basis. (During the 2018-19 fiscal year, Saskatchew­an will receive $1.7 billion from the federal government as a result of federal transfer programs, but none of that money is from equalizati­on.)

Moe, like many a Saskatchew­an premier before him, knows that picking a fight with Ottawa over the issue is generally a political win.

Former NDP premier Lorne Calvert did it — and was joined by the then-opposition Saskatchew­an Party leader Brad Wall — in calls to have non-renewable resources removed from the formula.

The NDP even had a constituti­onal challenge working its way through the courts, but Wall’s government dropped it when they took over (Wall deemed the legal route as “unwinnable” and vowed to not reopen the debate).

Although the current version of the beef with Ottawa is likely based on the same old sentiment that Saskatchew­an is getting a raw deal, sources close to Moe say Wednesday’s proposal will differ in how Saskatchew­an goes about picking its fight. That may mean it won’t involve a legal challenge or an attempt to have non-renewable resources removed from the equation.

Further details will be outlined in Saskatoon on Wednesday.

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