Saskatoon StarPhoenix

50-50 proposal would mean a better system

Moe’s equalizati­on plan would be a start, Todd Mackay says.

- Todd Mackay is Prairie director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

For decades, half of the country has loudly grumbled about Ottawa’s equalizati­on scheme while the other half has remained diligently silent, and neither side has done anything. But Saskatchew­an Premier Scott Moe is changing that with a proposal to reform the program.

Moe’s proposal is simple: keep paying out half of the money through equalizati­on’s current formula and pay out the rest as a percapita transfer to each province.

Let’s compare that to the current scheme. The federal government will hand out

$19 billion to so-called have-not provinces through equalizati­on this year, so each Canadian’s per-capita bill is $516.

That’s where the equality in equalizati­on ends. For example, the Quebec government will collect $11.7 billion from equalizati­on and Manitoba will get $2 billion. Prince Edward Island will get $419 million, making it the biggest per-capita winner, with the provincial government netting about $2,240 per Islander.

Ontario collects some equalizati­on money, but, after accounting for the per-capita shares of the program’s costs, taxpayers there lose about $449 per Ontarian.

Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundla­nd and Labrador and Saskatchew­an will get nothing from equalizati­on.

Moe’s proposal would change that.

For example, the Saskatchew­an government would collect $301 million and Ontario’s take would jump by $3.2 billion.

On the other side, Manitoba would lose $674 million and Quebec would lose $3.7 billion.

Moe’s plan has one benefit: taxpayers would have more of their money stay in their own provinces. That’s important for taxpayers from contributi­ng provinces who have been sending $500 each to distant provincial government­s with no accountabi­lity year after year. Those long-suffering taxpayers will appreciate the change.

The math is interestin­g, but the politics in other provinces might give this proposal a chance.

“The program has not worked for Alberta, even during the depths of our recession,” said Alberta Finance Minister Joe Ceci. He promised to review Saskatchew­an’s proposal. Alberta Opposition Leader Jason Kenney, who has threatened to hold a referendum on equalizati­on, called Saskatchew­an’s plan a “worthwhile discussion.”

More importantl­y, equalizati­on reform could be a lifeline for newly elected Ontario premier-designate Doug Ford. Ontario got hit with another credit rating downgrade before Ford even had a chance to move in to the premier’s office. Moe’s proposal includes 3.2 billion reasons for premier-designate Ford to get Ontario on board for equalizati­on reform.

Of course, it’s a sure bet the provinces losing money will fight the proposal. But, even within that opposition, there’s a breeze of change. Last November a Quebec politician called on the province to chart a new course.

“What I want to tell Quebecers is that a CAQ government will aim for zero equalizati­on,” said Francois Legault, the leader of the Coalition Avenir Quebec party, which leads in the polls for this fall’s provincial election. “A CAQ government will eliminate the wealth gap with the rest of Canada.”

If Quebecers are strengthen­ing their ambition for economic self-sufficienc­y, maybe, just maybe, resistance to reforming equalizati­on will soften. As with all proposals, Moe’s plan isn’t perfect.

First, it leaves half of a failing program in place. Second, instead of freeing half of the country entrapped in dependency on equalizati­on, per-capita transfers create a risk of entrapping the other half. Third, it muddies accountabi­lity with the federal government collecting billions and provincial government­s spending them. It would be better if Ottawa cut equalizati­on in half to cut the GST by one point and the provinces could raise taxes if truly necessary. It’s always better to make the government spending taxpayers’ money responsibl­e for collecting it.

Some will scoff and say it’s impossible to get equalizati­on right, and they’re probably correct. But, if perfection is unattainab­le, better is still a benefit. And instead of a deadlock of grumbling and silence, Moe’s concrete proposal is a place where the path to something better can start.

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