Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Bad habits are nothing to sneeze at


Originally published in 2013.

Dear Annie: I share a small workspace with someone who constantly coughs, sneezes, clears her throat, blows her nose and grunts. Worse, she never covers her mouth, so I’m surrounded by airborne germs all day. I know some of this is allergies, but she also doesn’t stay home when she’s sick. I have offered cough drops and antihistam­ines, which she has refused. I suffer from allergies as well, but try to keep my symptoms to myself. I have talked to my boss, but she won’t deal with it. Had It with the Hacking

Dear Had It: First be more direct with this co-worker, explaining your discomfort. If that doesn’t help, can you complain to the human resources department or a higher-up? Is it possible to move your desk? Would you be willing to wear a surgical mask or filter? Allergies can’t always be helped, but people should be considerat­e.

Dear Annie: We live in a quiet family neighbourh­ood. Recently, a neighbour tried to locate the owner of a rental home next door to discuss a shared-fence issue. When our neighbour could find no contact informatio­n through the city department of housing, he searched the internet. He was shocked to discover that for the past 10 years, the owners have had a porn site registered at that rental-home address. None of us wants a porn site associated with our neighbourh­ood. How should we handle this?

No Name or Location, Please

Dear No Name: While we certainly understand your moral objections, these owners seem to be running a legal operation. Most web-based or home-based businesses are fine unless there are customers or employees coming to the house. There may be a requiremen­t to have a business licence, but that’s about it. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column.

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