Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Superfan areas ruin Saskatoon concerts

When attending a concert in a seated venue, paying for better seats makes sense.

However, this new trend of having a “superfan area” or “VIP section” in Saskatoon at outdoor concerts is just plain annoying.

I first witnessed it last year at the Train concert at the Bessboroug­h Gardens, and then again this year at the Saskatoon Ex, at the Marianas Trench concert.

The problem is not that you need to pay to be close; the problem is this huge “hole” it creates in the crowd.

You have the excited fans right up front, then this vast area of emptiness … and then again more concertgoe­rs, who are prevented from getting any closer by a fence and security personnel.

It just ruins the ambience and atmosphere of the show for everyone, by having this unwanted gap of unused space in a rock concert.

This is a bad idea and it just needs to end, before word gets around and no band wants to play outdoor concerts in Saskatoon anymore. Caroline Vigneault, Saskatoon

Canada still has friendsint­heu.s.

On behalf of the United States, I am truly sorry for the horrible behaviour that U.S. President Donald Trump has displayed towards Canada.

As our good friend and one of our closest allies, you deserve better.

The Trump trade war is a disaster and has hurt both American and Canadian business, while driving a sharp wedge in between a normally strong relationsh­ip, based on mutual respect.

As a Democrat running for U.S. House to represent all of Alaska, I hope to be elected to the United States Congress, and work to mend this torn relationsh­ip.

Canada has done the right thing by holding its ground on the trade issue and I would like to compliment Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his profession­alism and dignified approach to politics, as well as his genuine concern for human rights.

Tell Prime Minister Trudeau I send my kind regards.

Maybe we can work things out over some maple syrup, smoked salmon and legal cannabis from Marc Emery?

Also, sorry for the U.S. government putting Marc Emery in prison over pot seeds.

President Trump might be an idiot, but don’t worry, America loves you Canada! Carol Hafner, Democrat for Alaska U.S. Representa­tive Elder, South Dakota

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