Saskatoon StarPhoenix



KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Two Malaysian Muslim women convicted under Islamic laws of attempting to have sexual relations were caned Monday in a rare public whipping that was slammed by rights activists as a grave miscarriag­e of justice.

Lawyers and activists said the women, aged 22 and 32, were seated on stools facing the judges and given six strokes from a light rattan cane on their backs by female prison officers. More than 100 people witnessed the caning in a Shariah courtroom in northeast Terengganu state, they said.

Muslim Lawyers’ Associatio­n deputy president Abdul Rahim Sinwan said unlike caning under civil laws, the punishment under Islamic laws isn’t painful or harsh and was meant to educate the women so they will repent. The women, dressed in white headscarve­s and clothing, didn’t cry or scream but “showed remorse,” he said.

“Repentance is the ultimate aim for their sin,” he said.

Human rights groups slammed the punishment as a setback to human rights and said it could worsen discrimina­tion against people in Malaysia’s lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgende­r community.

“Caning is a form of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and may amount to torture,” Amnesty Internatio­nal Malaysia said. “People should not live in fear because they are attracted to people of the same sex.”

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